Urgent Doppler Scan For DVT…

This topic contains 19 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  brocho 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    Easy enough to say but I think action is needed a brouhaha (sp? what a lovely word) is needed. Quiet firm words and refusal to leave the hospital just may make them stand up and take notice.

    I do hope things improve soon Gill xxx



    Hi Gill and you too Sue,

    I came away with another course of 'Enoxaparin': (self-administered – into your tummy – blood thinning injections for those who do not know) a 7-day course this time against a 5-day course previous. That's all they had to offer because the Doppler gang insist that they are full to the gills with patients waiting to be doppled (I read somewhere that all new patients are automatically doppled on admission… if this is true it would account for lack of Dopple Guns and Dopple Gunslingers)

    Still, I was supposed to be 'Urgent' -Priority Investigation'… I sawed it with my very own eyeballs… written in blue and white. My appointment is still on for the 10th August 10:30am… urgent… priority 😎 .

    Saying all that my leg is easing. It is not so extended or swollen or stiff. My ankle is still swollen(although it has reduced from a cankle… ask bridget… to an ankle… just not a particularly pretty one. Legs together the left one is about 25/30% larger than the right… down from 125% and I can now walk around on it… not far and its not that comfortable… but I can walk. So as well as thinning my blood the enoxaparin has a useful side-effect of reducing the bloated bits.

    Consult on Monday… so watch this space.




    Well i hope they get it sorted Dai and you are soon on the road to recovery.
    Thnking of you
    Gina xx



    Hi there Dai
    You have a large leg but still keeping your sense of humour.:-P
    May I say Dai your a man who is very good with words,so why not use this gift,you must have a local paper!!!!,copies to executives plus,to paper,hate to say it,but works wonders,like a pain in there side.
    Other option is to pay privately it should not cost very much you will need a referral from your doctor,trust me I know about these things!!
    You need to get this fixed so you have peace of mind for your holiday:-)
    There is some dispute between these departments,the NHS are trying to save money,and certain departments,do not have enough staff to maintain the service.( thats my guess ) do not quote me
    On a personal level I would pay private,results the same day!!!

    My best wishers to Wales you need to be able to walk to enjoy it,b-l-o-o-dy mountains.love Eve



    Hi Dai it still shocks me just how long you have been kept waiting for a potentially life-saving procedure that takes minutes to do !! I think Eve may have a point about publicity if only to highlight a very serious problem in the dire lack of resources in this area On the other hand as you said until now you have not had any complaints about your care. I am so glad you are shrinking and I just hope that last 30% goes quickly now ! Do you think your new machine has helped? By the way apparently cankle is a northern term and the gorgeous Cheryl Cole has them too!! Hope you and Janet are having a good weekend love Bridget x

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