V For Victory

This topic contains 10 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  KeithH17 13 years, 9 months ago.

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    I hope. 🙂

    I go in for a consultation tomorrow morning and then on into the daycase unit for my first shot of Velcade. I have developed a lump on my sternum which I reported a couple of weeks ago – my consultant sent me for x-rays and if, as she suspects, it is mm related then it will be left for the Velcade to do its magic; if not there could be radiotherapy or surgery or whatever. I hope its related. 😛

    I have been following the Velcaders on board and there seems to be a mixed bag in terms of side-effects… I am hoping to steer clear of PN as I already have it but my consultant said it is a different kind and my already suffering from the chilblain/numbness kind shouldn't be a factor – we will see. 😐 She also said that nausea isn't normally a biggie as far as side-effects go – anyone?

    Anyway, here we go —->>>>> I'll transfer to the treatment section for updates.

    I hope you are all enjoying the weather as much as you can – Janet is desperate for rain for the garden – spoilsport. 😀

    Much love.




    Hello Dia

    good luck for tomorrow I hope all goes well, I am with Janet my garden is desperarate for rain

    Love jO X 😎



    Hi Dia

    All the best for tomorrow, and am with you re Janet and rain 😎 it will be ok for me if it rains every nite and the sun is out daytime 😎




    Hi Dia

    Hope all goes well tomorrow. Sorry I'm not with Janet as regards to the rain. If you lived in northern Ireland you would no why.

    My very best to you
    Love Jean x



    Hi Dai
    When Peter was on velcade in October last year, he was well enough to go to work daily. Only for 3hrs per day but it was more about the social contact. He had no sickness or tiredness, BUT after his 1st injection he became breathlss. It took several weeks to discover that he had developed pulminary embolisms caused by velcade. He had 4 cycles and the 1st two produced otherwise good results. Unfortunatly it stopped working. He is on his 4th cycle of Revlamid which has far more sde effects.
    Good Luck, on the new part of your journey hope its successful for you.



    Hi Dai, I'm Angelina … returning after a 3 year gap. I look after my husband John who has MM and Amyloidosis, he's been in remission since September 2007 until recently.
    Just want to wish you well as you embark on the next stage of your Myeloma journey. Hope Velcade works well for you – John is currently a poor wee soul in hospital after a bad fall and many side effects from Velcade. His Velcade has now been stopped and he's to gain some strength before they throw more drugs at him, oh dear. Everyone reacts differently though. The thing he found most yucky was everything tasting of soap, good luck with that one!
    Will be thinking of you tomorrow.
    Best wishes, get those fighting gloves on!!
    Angelina x



    Hi Dai
    Best of luck tomorrow. MM and the treatment are so individual. Keep us posted.
    Kay x



    Hi Dai good luck for tomorrow . I didnt find velcade too bad at all really , no sickness or nausea but constipation was a bit of a problem, best to take laxatives early on love Bridget x



    Good Luck Dai, I have followed you particularly as you seemed to be just ahead of us in your journey with myeloma. I will be thinking of you are you start on the next stage.

    I am sorry but i m with Janet, we are desparate for rain down here in the South East,

    Love Mari x



    Hi Mari,

    Well I'm following Stephen and Keith, so please tag along. 😀

    We keep on getting rain warnings and deep blue graphics on the weather charts but little actual wet stuff. Janet's going out into the garden with the hose pipe and tools tomorrow. 🙂




    I hope the Velcade has got you off to a positive start Dai?
    I completed my 6th cycle of 8 today(Fri) and go to the Freeman hospital next Thurs to discuss a possible 2nd SCT.
    Velcade has knocked the PP's from 14 when I relapsed down to 3.65 todate.
    I've covered some of the more acute side effects in previous posts but all in all I think I've tolerated the treatment fairly well.
    I've not had any major problems with PN but have had spasms mainly in my right hand making my fingures stick together and not a pleasant experience.
    The Dex has also kept me in hyper mode,in particular during this recent cycle giving me restless legs syndrome and unable to relax.
    After my 4th cycle the Velcade dose was reduced from 2.6 to 2.0 to combat the spasms and during my 7th the withdrawral of Dex will be more graduated in-order to level out the comedown during the 10,day rest period.
    This hopefully will allow me to relax and be my own self.
    Being uptight and on edge most of the time is the opposite to my persona and I much prefer to have the real me back as would all my family and friends I'm sure,that's if I still have any? LOL.
    Best of luck with your treatment Dai and if your side effects are no worse than mine then you won't go far wrong.

    Take care and keep us all posted with your progress.


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