Vaccinations before SCT?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  andyg 9 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi, I’m hoping someone can give me advice, I am new to the forum.  My mum was diagnosed in Feb (had haemoglobin of 5 and protein over 70).  She had chemo which brought her protein down to zero. She got her line inserted today in preparation for stem cell transplant which could happen in the next couple of days, she is waiting on a call to be admitted (possibly Wed evening ie tonight – I’m typing this very late!)  My mum is due her flu and shingles vaccines and she only mentioned this to me in the last couple of days. I think she is very worried about getting them as she is concerned about having side effects and  it being too close to the transplant procedure.  Her stem cell nurse said that the district nurse could give her them tomorrow (Wed) when she comes out to dress her line but if she is admitted that night, surely that would be too close to the transplant as she would be getting high dose chemo the next day (I’m assuming?)  I had a look on the internet to see if I could find some info to set my mind at ease, there is mention that flu vaccine should be given at least 2 weeks before chemo.  Also read that vaccine against pneumonia should be given to myeloma patients and this hasn’t been mentioned to my mum either!  She doesn’t think she has ever received that one.  I’ve read that myeloma patient shouldn’t get live vaccines ie shingles?  She is on antivirals at the moment so I assume that covers shingles? I have e-mailed the Haematology Secretary to ask the Consultant  and am hoping we will get a reply in the morning before the DN comes out (although I haven’t asked about the pneumonia one as I wasn’t aware of that one at the time).  My mum is 71 and I’m really worried about the whole process.  Hoping someone can advise, thank you.



    Good day Angela

    I had my SCT last November and have just received a letter informing me that I am now due my Vaccinations. But no live ones.

    The SCT as explained to me kills of all past vaccinations. Before leaving SCT I had a course of something to prevent pneumonia and since then have been on Aciclover, Pennicilin & Co-Trimoxazle.

    I did have my Flu jab before the letter as I was assured that it is a “dead” one.

    My understanding is the Aciclover is to prevent Chicken Pox & Shingles (if your mum is on it).

    Ref the SCT just prepare your mum for what could be a difficult time but for the majority it will be worth it. Jellies and juices saved me with very soft fruit.

    Best of luck to you both. Apologises if this seems rushed but saw your request on line so thought a quick reply might help.





    Hi Graeme

    Thanks so much for taking the time this morning to reply.  I managed to get a reply from the Consultant who says that the shingles vaccine should not be given as it is a live vaccine.  She also said not to get the flu or pneumonia ones as is too close to the transplant now for them.  Just shows you that it’s best to double check as the nurse said yesterday to go ahead!

    It’s a worrying time as my mum is 71 but is fit for her age so hopefully the transplant won’t be too tough on her.  I’m sure you are glad to have that over with!  Thanks again for your advice Graeme, I hope you are keeping well.

    Best wishes




    Hi Angela.

    It is pointless having vaccinations before a SCT as the high dose chemotherapy will wipe out the vaccine. After the SCT you will be given advice as to when it is appropriate to retake the vaccines including all the childhood ones as well.

    I’m not sure if your mums age will have a bearing on the speed of revaccination. I think she will  be prescribed some prophylactic drugs till she has her transplant. As been said no live vaccines should be given.

    I don’t think your mums nurse should be in that job because her advice goes against nearly everything I read and learnt in my four years post diagnosis.

    I hope everything goes well for your mum a SCT can be tough.

    Every day is a gift.

    Andy xx

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