Hi Phil,yes not doing too bad on the whole but felt rotten last week for 4,days.
Have had slight tingling in my feet and fingures but seems ok now.
Very tired and my taste was practically nil for a week after finishing the 2nd cycle.
I am down for 8,cycles and start the 3rd on Friday.
I can't in all honesty see me completing all 8 cycles but I'll certainly stick with it as long as they want me to.
My Platelet count has dropped from 180 at the start to 108 at present.
I would think that they will be below 100 at the next visit on Friday.
All other bloods seem fairly normal.
I really do HATE this disease for interupting my life just when things were on an even keel during the 2,yrs of drug free remission.
Call me ungrateful but I just need to sound off now and again otherwise I would go bloody mad.
I'm only human afterall.
Cheers Phil and hang on in there,you and Gaye were my original insperation.