Vigam IVIG

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  tom 13 years, 10 months ago.

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    Has anyone had bottles of vigam iv? Peter had three bottles on Wednesday, and last night we were almost afloat in bed he sweated that much. Is this normal?



    Hi Min sorry I cant help but I have never heard of it ,what is it for? love Bridgetx



    No idea what it is Min sorry Have you spoken to the nurses on here? Gillxx



    Its human immunogloblulin. Peter was having a few infections tummy bugs etc and taking a long time to shake them off.
    We asked if we could go on holiday for or 40th wedding anniversary and the 'man' (consultant) arranged this so we could go away and he not be at risk of infection. I believe its basically a bit of several persons immune system. I think now he is on it it may be a permanent thing. Like zometa. He is otherwise well but worried the hell out of me when I got in the bed and it was soaking worse than it ever was at the outset.
    ps SAT am found t on NHS website and fevers and chills are a side effect. But he is fine now. thanks



    Hi Min thankyou for the info and I hope it keeps those bugs at bay love



    Hi Min
    Hope Peter is ok now and you can get away for a few days it will do you both good lets hope the infections stay away

    Love Jo



    Hi Min and Peter

    Pleased you have an answer to the sweats its a bu%%er all these side effects.

    Enjoy your Holls

    Tom xx

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