Waiting and worrying

This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  PatG 12 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi everyone. I hope I am not going to moan too much on this forum, but at least there will be people here who understand that sometimes it is hard to stay positive. I am waiting to see the blood docs next week and have already seen the kidney docs,kidneys working at 50% at the moment. I am a bit confused though as they said that if the blood docs cannot diagnose myeloma I will most probably have to have a kidney biopsy. Until diagnosis that part is on hold.
    Can anybody enlighten me as to why the blood docs may not be able to make a diagnosis please? I am getting so confused with paraproteins and related info and I feel like all my intelligence has deserted me and I am struggling to find answers.
    I sound like such a wuss (sorry) and I know I will probably get the answers next week, but I would like to have a bit more knowledge so that I can ask the right questions.
    Thanks for putting up with my moans, and I promise to be more upbeat next time.
    Postive thoughts to you all.



    Hi Pat
    Welcome to the club no-one wants to join. Sorry you find yourself here but you are in the right place for support and to rant and rave if you want. You are not a wuss and dont apologise, it is a worying time for you. Although my husband has had Myeloma for 6 years he has been smoulding and has just started treatment. I'm still a novice about what is going on but learning every day. When the haematologist suspected Myeloma she sent Frank for a Bone Marrow Biopsy which confirmed that it was Myeloma. There will be someone along that will be able to help with your questions – they are a very knowledgeable and friendly lot and will be able to help re questions for the doctor.

    No point in telling you not to worry but I hope things go well for you next week.
    Take care
    Love Jean



    Hello Pat
    If your doctor suspects myeloma he/she should have ordered the appropriate bloodtests that would help diagnosis. When I started showing my symptoms my bloodtest results immediately rang alarm bells in my doctor's head and after a Bence Jones urine test too I was referred to a specialist within 24 hours. I then had a bonemarrow biopsy that confirmed suspicions and my CTD treatment started the next day.

    As Jean said, there's no point telling you not to worry because you naturally will BUT even if myeloma is definitely detected, don't go into an instant decline. There's so much that can be done to help you and after treatment you'll hopefully bounce back as well as I did.

    Let us know how things go.



    Thanks for your support guys. I will be much better once I know. Next week can't come quick enough really, but that is going to be helped by a lovely weekend away in N. Yorkshire (compliments of a dear friend who thought we could do with break)- and it looks like the weather is going to play ball as well!

    Wishing everyone good things.



    Pat,try and relax and have a brilliant weekend. Enjoy!
    Love Jean xx



    Hi Pat

    A warm welcome to you.
    First I must say Moan if you need (we alll do at times, cept Eve that is 😛 )

    Its a wait and see am afraid but I was seen fairly fast when Bloods were dodgy so hope yours is soon sorted out.
    and as has been said if it is the MM am sure it will soon be sorted out like mine and many more 😎
    Enjoy your break and i hope it stays warm for you/us

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Thanks once again guys. Think I just had a panic!!! Looking forward to the weekend and I'm going to get my nails done to add to the package. Femme Fatal Red I think 😀



    Nothing like a good manicure and dazzling nail colour to perk a woman up!!

    I hope you are having a great weekend away to gather strength for the coming news.

    And welcome to the club nobody asked to join, Pat – just rant away any time you feel the need, it does us good to get it out there!!




    Hi Pat

    Welcome to the forum from me too. Waiting seems to be a regular feature of coping with Myeloma. I do hope that, after this next week, you at least know whether you are coping with myeloma or not. You will then be advised about appropriate treatment. This is when, if it is myeloma, friends on here will really be able to help with advice and support.

    All best wishes.




    Thanks to you all for your positive comments. I saw the blood docs yesterday and the whole gamut of tests have now got under way which is a positive move. However, the consultant is of the opinion that it is more likely to be Amyloidosis than Myeloma. I had to go and look this up when I got home as I had never heard of it before and the diagnostic tests seem to be very similar to those for Myeloma. While I am still no further forward, I have to say that I do feel better knowing that the wheels are in motion, or maybe I have decided that worrying achieves nothing, so I am just sitting back and going with the flow! My good friend, who actually researches and develops cancer treatment drugs, gave me an added boost by saying that if they were panicking about anything I would have started treatment already – another positive! It's a long journey isn't it?
    Love hugs and thanks to you all.

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