Weight loss

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  tom 14 years, 3 months ago.

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    Well, despite being on Dex at the moment (and I've had the dose increased) I have lost just over 2 stone in weight. I have terrible withdrawal when I'm off the Dex and feel weak, my blood counts plummet and my appetite goes.

    Anyone got any ideas for high calorie food? I don't eat much at one go so try to do the 'little and often'. I HATE the supplementary feeds but have read that you can get a supplement to add to soups and suchlike that's tasteless (hmmmmmmmmmm, I doubt that) but if it's gettable downable, I'll give it a try.

    Any ideas? At the moment all my clothes look awful and I look as if I've been in my granny's dressing up box!:-(




    Hi Kathleen I know I am the polar opposite to you at the moment but I do know how you feel Our weight loss or gain can make a huge difference to how you feel My daughter used to have the supplement you sprinkle into food but for the life of me I cant remember the name of it !!It worked though, I used to put it in soup, mashed potatoes ,scrambled eggs , beans on toast you name it If you ask the doctor I am sure they will be able to prescribe it .Adding an egg to mashed potato adds a few more calories and anything you can add butter or cheese to is good Sorry I cant be more help and I hope you can get your appetite bak soon love Bridget x



    Hi Kathleen

    Difficult one, just try and stick to really high calorific value food as you can, but as Bridget says cheese and butter, however, i have to suggest CHOCOLATE!!!! well its an excuse to eat it, problem with cheese and butters is the high fat content, and that could lead to further problems. just looked on the web and it says to put weight on healthily is to eat simple carbohydrates, potatoes, pasta, beans, rice and high calorie fruit. hope that helps.

    with love michelle x x



    The powders peter was given sound like the ones Bridgest speaks of and they are called PRO-CAL. Peter used them when he lost over 4 stone in weight. Only on prescription and really are tasteless.
    Your dietician nutritionist or Macmillan nurse can decide if they are suitable for you. In the mean while tuck into Bacon and Eggs, and all those things those of us who are trying to lose weight yearn for!
    Incidently Peter has his cholesterol counted regularly due to a bypass and takes statins. High fat food did not affect his cholesterol one bit. In fact they brought it down from a dangerous 14 to just over 4.
    Take advise always before embarking on a new diet just in case



    🙂 Thanks for the info.

    My taste buds aren't working 'coz of the Dex so things don't taste as they should, which doesn't help. My friends have brought me enough chocolate and biscuits to stock a shop but unfortunately, everything I fancy is acidic and seems to be low in calories.

    It's ironic that when I'm shopping, everything seems to be labelled 'light' and 'low calorie'! How contrary I am. I have tried to cram in as many carbs as I can. I don't eat meat or fish as a rule but I have added fish to my diet of late as it's one of the few things I can actually taste. I confess to using butter and eating cheese which, yes, I know they are fatty but it's a balancing act and I feel I can risk it at the moment until I get my weight back to something more civilised. Last time I lost weight, I went down to 6 stone and was very weak and looked like someone on the ads for people who are in war torn famine areas!

    I'm trying to eat at least five times a day and if I can get the powder to stir in or chuck on stuff, it should help.

    I've been in touch with my haematology nurse as I had a couple of other queries. She's very good at sorting things out for me and now you've said it's virtually tasteless, I'm hoping I can get it either prescribed or over the counter if it's suitable for me.

    Thanks again.




    Hello Kathleen

    We can never win can we at the moment I am at least two stone over weight because of the steroids what ever I eat seems to put weight on me the season now is comfort food steamed puddings you can get induvidual ones dumplings stews with lots of beans and potatoes hot c:-) rumpets and butter all really fattening but I suppose only if you can face them I know what you mean about tasteless suppiments
    Keep Well Jo:-)



    Hi Kathleen

    I also lost a lot of weight before I found out I had MM:-(

    But "One Year" to the day post SCT my weight has gone back up now to a iccle bit more than before lol (waist bigger and i have more chins now lol)

    Good Luck finding something you can eat 😀


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