what happens now!!!!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  lynneb01 9 years, 12 months ago.

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    I took my husband to the royal free on  12th & 13th Feb. he was diagnosed with AL Amyloidosis, it is in his spleen, kidneys and liver and heart. Its suspected it is in his bowel as he has got colitis to. WHERE do we start????

    We are waiting for a bone marrow biopsy appointment and then the specialist says mick is to start 6 months of valcade, cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone.

    Is there anyone who can help and advise please on what we are going into.

    many thanks




    Hi Lynne,

    I am sorry you have not had a reply. Where indeed do you start? Whilst I cannot advise you about your husbands condition I would just like to say that I too am going down the AMY  path with LCDD- Light Chain Deposition Disease My kidneys are affected & I feel lucky  not to have any other organ involvement yet. I am sorry they have found Amyloid Deposits in so many of his organs.  I too have now attended the Royal Free for 2 appts six months apart to have SAP Scans, ECGs, walking test, etc. etc. . He must be feeling very poorly, and I wonder why on earth this hasn’t been picked up before now. Whilst Myeloma is very rare, Amyloidosis & LCDD are even rarer- yet all come under the same umbrella. I have just finished my 6th cycle of Velcade, Cyclo & Dex. Yes its been tough but I have got through it, and am now awaiting discussions for a SCT. Have the Royal Free discussed an SCT with you both after the chemo treatment?

    The Royal Free are terribly efficient. I feel very lucky to be under their care, and it gives me confidence for the future as should Amyloids deposit in my organs- I am under their radar as indeed is your hubby. I sincerely hope you also have a proficient local consultant.

    Sadly I have yet to actually connect with anyone else who has LCDD. But as it all comes under the same umbrella I read and educate myself as much as possible in all areas- LCDD, Amy, Myeloma. I have watched some extremely informative videos on the Myeloma channel. Afterall I may develop any of these in addition to LCDD. I hope this helps, It is a very difficult/frustrating journey- accepting the diagnosis, coping with the treatment BUT you will eventually reach a calmer place. Another Myeloma buddy advised me to break life down into chunks. I find this helps, I no longer feel able to plan ahead, but try and deal with how I feel on a morning/afternoon basis. I guess I now live in the present and take pleasure from the small things in life……..

    All the very best with your husbands treatment, Sharron




    Hi Sharon. Thankyou very much for your advice. I do hope you get good results and well done for getting through your treatment. Mick has bone marrow biopsy this Thursday and starts chemo Tuesday 10th march. I have several numbers to ring should Mick develop problems but I am absolutely scared for both of us. The last time I saw chemo was for my dad 28 years ago. It was awful and I’ve never got over it. So I’ve hit panic mode but don’t want to show mick. He is really rough now as he suffers very bad with his stomach and bowels. Everything smells bad and he has the horrid metal taste in his mouth and very dry mouth. I can only give mick one litre and half of fluid a day because he is retaining fluid in his legs and lower back. He on water tablet , anti sick tablets and liquid codeine. We wonder if the codeine giving mick migraines as he been having them for a few days now. Lynne

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