Hi emmasue123,
I am in remission and have been travelling a lot since going into remission, but I haven’t had a transplant.
Start Locally?
I live in Southern England, so my first bit of travelling was around Scotland. Still able to use the NHS, less need for travel insurance (see below), no language barrier. It also gave me more confidence as a traveller with MM (albeit in remission). Fatigue was a real problem at this stage, but a city break using a tour bus doesn’t require being on one’s feet for long.
Travel Insurance
This is a must, as always outside the UK, but the premium will be high for your husband. I suggest some shopping around. Don’t forget the free Global Health Insurance Card for emergency medical treatment in the EU and one or two other territories.
Medicines etc
There are countries (such as UAE) where bringing in medicines comes with rules. Please check first before bringing in chemo.
Elsewhere on this forum I have suggested CBD oil to help with lack of sleep. It is, however, illegal to bring into many countries (Sweden and Morocco come to mind) so again please check first.
If your husband has any plans to go solo, please discourage him. Fatigue and infection are much easier to deal with when you have a companion.
My Experiences
My fatigue has gradually reduced over time. In the earliest trips, fatigue held me back but I planned accordingly. It is still there in a mild form now, after 18 months of remission, but I just allow for a bit of time to rest, whether on a beach, sitting and watching the world go by, or going to a theatre or cinema (maybe wearing a mask).
In that time I have been to: Scotland, Denmark/Sweden, Morocco, Cyprus, Southern Spain, Portugal and New York.
Yes, I have spent a bit, but I have decided to start using my savings/pension pots rather than just look at them (I am aware, though, that I am financially fortunate).
Food Hygiene and Healthcare
Both of these vary a lot around the world. Each time, before booking, I knew or checked that there were good hospitals where I was going (if nothing else I had peace of mind). With hindsight, I should have checked likewise on food hygiene: coming back from Morocco with gastroenteritis was… not pleasant.