What to take

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    Hi all,

    I'm due in to have SCT on 8th Oct (Monday)

    What should I take in with me?
    Bought pyjamas, liquid soap,

    Anything else? Do I stay in pyjamas most of the time. It seems a bit silly to dress if I'm not leaming my room for 2/3 weeks.

    My mind is all over the place as you can imagine.


    Tina x



    Dear Tina

    I am 1 year on from my STC (on Monday) and back at work full time now. I would recommend getting dressed every day- if you feel able- as I think it makes you feel better and more in control. For me plenty of pairs of pyjamas were necessary for when the side effects of mephalan kicked in! I took a computer and iphone- with radio as hospital radio not great! I took some books but never had the energy or desire to read, magazines were my limit! Take care and I hope it all goes as smoothly as possible for you,

    Love Liz



    Hi Tina

    I had my SCT last February and most of my plans for what to take into hospital with me revolved around keeping myself amused and free from acute boredom!

    With that in mind, although there'll be some days when you won't be able to concentrate on anything, I found my laptop a godsend, took my knitting in, a book, some puzzle magazines and my diary. I expect the hospital will have a newspaper person doing the rounds, so a small amount of cash to buy things like that would be useful too.

    It was made very clear to me from the start that I wasn't expected to lounge about in my nighties all day, so I took plenty of comfortable skirts and tops in. I got up and dressed every day no matter how I felt. I think it did me good doing that. Kept a sense of normality.

    As well as your normal toiletries, make sure that you take a pack of baby-wipes in with you. You'll definitely need them when trips to the loo become rather frequent!!!!

    A bottle or two of soda water was of great benefit to me and I also had a bottle of lemon barley water. I didn't eat for 4 days but take in anything you think will tempt your appetite.

    Your dignity will soon fly out of the window but the nursing staff don't bat an eyelid at anything you'd normally find mortifyingly embarrassing.

    What's the most important thing to take in with you? Your sense of humour of course!

    All the very best Tina. I hope your SCT goes as well as mine. I escaped after only a week! 😀



    Hi Tina
    Well I have to say Slim never found the energy to get dressed until near the end,and lots of clothes just got thrown away,you will not expect them to be taken home.

    Take things in that are around you at home,like your favourite mug,I would also take anything,that you like to drink in,as this is so important,as food and drink do not taste the same,taste buds go.

    There is not usually a great deal of room,and if things are not in reach,you cannot find the strength to get them,let people bring thins in as you need them,you should be allowed out of your room for a few days,then will have a period were you cannot leave it,then as you pick up they will allow you out to walk in the corridors,so you will not be held a prisoner for long,and the exercise is good for you. Love Eve



    Hey Tina Good Luck with it all and if I remember well Nightie is faster for lifting than jim jams are for lowering and I prefer the fastest way (not that I wear Nightie's though)
    As Eve says During SCT its a throw away Culture you need to have, dont bother with Posh (bless)

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards " xxx



    Hi Tina,
    My abiding memory from my Stem Cell in 2008 was a yearning for ice cold things like the long ice sticks we had as kids and still available, try to find out if you have availability to a freezer, you may need to stock up on things like that from your visitors, also ice cubes are helpful if you have a few mouth ulcers,during and after treatment, lots and lots of people have had these same yearnings, so it seem,s fairly general.
    Also be prepaired for huge swings in types of food you want to eat, on one day i would ask my friends to bring in something i fancied,(your family and friends must be patient with you ) the next day i did,nt want it, but you will probably be assigned a nutrionist to help you through all that .
    Hope all goes well.
    Mike. xx




    Colin has not got to SCT yet but we are waiting…..I suggest iPod, iPad, kindle, smal DVD player if you have it…if not and none of those any good just want to say the very very best of luck 🙂

    Vicki and Colin x



    Yes, I liked to get dressed too, even if it was only swapping jammies for t-shirt and joggers. Soft toilet paper and wipes made life more bearable too. Things to entertain you as mentioned by the others – also photos- on a digital photoframe or a multi-picture frame, depending on how much space you have.

    All the best.

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