What to tell new employer?!!!

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    Stewart has been offered a new job, thankfully for his peace of mind- he needs to be busy and felt he had let us down. Although I’m worried (because I constantly worry these days) one of my concerns is that we never divulged his cancer diagnosis. Stewart was made redundant from last job, we believe on this basis although were unable to prove this legally ( this is very hard to do).
    Because things are so uncertain- Stewart never achieved CR after SCT this horrible cancer could become active very soon and what then….
    I only care about him, I used to consider my employers etc until he was badly dealt with. I think myeloma makes the family a bit more selfish, is this bad?
    So back to original question, are we obliged to tell?



    I don’t know about the legal side of not declaring such an illness, but I do know that if I ever felt the need to work again, there’s no way I’d not be totally honest with a potential new employer, especially if it were a small business.

    I’d be thinking of all the probable days off ahead for treatment and how that would affect my colleagues, as well as a certain amount of days when I’d not feel well enough to do a full days work.
    I’d feel terrible if I had to constantly let people down knowing that I knew it was likely to happen.

    You don’t say what type of job it is, but I do think being open and honest is the best way to be and it then gives an employer a chance to decide whether they can afford to employ you.



    But….if you had been honest up front, would Stewart have been offered the job? That is the million dollar question! At my work they employed a woman who was 5 months pregnant but claimed she didn’t know till a week after she started work (and it was her second pregnancy so I am sure she knew) I toonwonder what the legal situation is? Well done to Stewart anyway and best of luck with the new job.




    Hello, my husband henry who has myeloma, got offered a new job in the summer and he only told his employer a few weeks after he started. He is in remission and has 3 monthly hospital visits now. His employer has been very supportive and understanding. Henry didn’t want to say in the beginning as for one thing you don’t have to divulge and he wanted to get the job on his own merits. He now gets paid if he is off sick which hasn’t been too often and when he goes for treatment to hospital. In his previous job he received no sick pay and had to take annual leave for hospital visits. The whole time he was off with his SCT he received on statutory sick pay, and he therefore worked throughout his treatment. I know he would always want to work but his previous employer didn’t give a dam and made me so mad. how can some people be so heartless and cruel. Anyway all is good now apart from the normal tiredness, slowness and foggy brain. so in a nut shell its up to you really to divulge but you don’t have to. Take care love sarah x

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