Who the heck are you.

This topic contains 20 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  Min 13 years, 5 months ago.

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    hi everbody

    I have decided to come out in the open;I have kept my partner low key because of family circumstances.

    I am eve aged 62 originally from Liverpool ,have lived in Deal KENT FOR 40 Years.My partner who is 66 was diagnosed February the 11 this year.He is known as Slim only his mother called him by his birth name.

    We have been so lucky,We both retired 10 years ago and have just spent 8 years travelling in our moterhome,before that We did it part time for 10 years closing guesthouse down for winter and travelling.Last two years have been travelling a few months at a time.We are both so grateful we did because if Slim had worked until 65,then there would have been so many regrets.

    One of are reasons for doing this is we were watching ex marines coming down with illnesses we know of at least 2 others that have rare form of blood cancers it has made us wonder if any of this is related.

    One good thing that has come out of all this,in NOvember we were in France and Slim was so ill we had to come home,I had no choice but to drive a large 8 metre van,and now i know i can do it.I keep telling Slim he is more likely to die of a heart attack with my driving than mm!!!!!!

    When I learn to post a picture I will,this is new to me as well,having big learning curves lately,so some good things come out of bad things.I would not have found you lot would I ? if I could give you all a hug I would eve



    Time for an update everyone it is nice to read items that are not depressing so a little light relief and please feel free to edit your self if it is out of date



    Hi, my name's Mal – my husband Bruce has MM. He's 63 years old. Last October, our GP was treating Bruce for indigestion, 4 weeks later he had a blood test which revealed his kidneys had failed – he was admitted to Royal Cornwall Hospital straight away. They started dialysising him and started doing loads of tests. About a couple of weeks later we were told it was MM.

    The type he has doesn't show up in the blood or the urine, he's had 2 bone marrow biopsies so far. (He says 'ouch') 🙂

    Bruce has had 8 cycles of thalidomide and dexamethasone. He's had a successful stem cell harvest. He's recently had tests on his heart and lungs to see if he is fit enough for the stem cell transplant. They decided to run another test on his heart, he's due to see the cardiologist next Wednesday and the haematologist on Thursday. They are being extra cautious because the dialysis is an added complication.

    Love to everyone
    from 'us 2':-) 🙂



    Hi all,
    My names liz and Kevin my hubby was diagnosed with mm august 2010 one year ago
    Where's it gone! It's just been so full on with his treatment resulting in sct in April and hopefully
    End of sept: will hear the words your in remission!! The best part of 2010 he was being treated
    For frozen shoulder, and operated on bone damage to his knee and all the time the mm was getting
    Worse it was having tests for anemia that confirmed he had mm and his kidneys were showing signs
    Of failing but thankfully caught in time.

    P.s. Let's hope we get a good outcome end of September?
    Apart from some aches & pains he's doing ok!

    Love to everyone xxxx liz.:-)



    Good luck for September Fingers crossed that you hear the magic words and your husband enjoys a long remission Gill



    Hi Liz good to hear Kevin is doing well after his sct . It sounds as if Lady Luck gave a helping hand along the way , especially as they werent considering mm whilst looking for anaemia Heres to lots of luck and a very long remission love Bridget x

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