Xgeva 120

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  myeloma2016 4 years, 1 month ago.

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    hi everyone

    I need to have Xgeva injection monthly after SCT. Any one on Xgeva 120?



    Hi myeloma2016, I think most UK NHS patients are prescribed zometa as a bone protector rather than xgeva, so you may find more responses on an international myeloma forum. Xgeva is a fairly recent IgG2 antibody whereas the older zometa is a bisphosphonate and as such can cause kidney damage.
    Sorry I can’t help, but do let us know how you get on with it.



    hi mulberry,
    My T2 &T5 vertebra affected. that’s where my myeloma journey began, i was 41 years old when I got diagnosed wiz myeloma I underwent two surgeries: fixation and fusion surgery in 2016 and kyphoplasty for T5 in 2019. I’m on monthly Xgeva since I started having the 4 chemo cycles prior to SCT.
    I feel tired the next day receiving subcutaneous injection of Xgeva. After SCT I have been experiencing join pain in my hands fingers. I’m suspicious on Xgeva side effects although I didn’t have this side effect before SCT. That’s why I’m asking what others experiencing with this drug after SCT.



    Just caught up with this, I’m taking Xgeva. I have an injection done at my GP once every 4 weeks as well as Vitamin D and Calcium tablets. I don’t feel any tiredness at all after my injection. Have you had a recent MRT?



    Hi Dickb
    No, I didn’t have MRT scan recently.



    I suggest you ask for one or at least a CT scan of your hands. You might have a totally unrelated problem with them. The other option is Polyneuropathy, I like a lot of others have it in my feet. As for the tiredness I don’t know, it could be related to your medication but I’ll be surprised if it is linked to Xgeva.



    I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome for fringe numbness and tingling. Now all symptoms: finger joint pain and numbness are manageable and have been reduced significantly

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by  myeloma2016.
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