Zometa infusion

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  tony642 2 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi Poco loco here
    I received my first zometa infusion on 14th March. Felt great the first week but 2nd week had couple of days with diarrhea then ok. The third week however, I’ve felt nauseous, extremely tired & cold like symptoms, in fact felt rubbish all round. I am due my second infusion on the 11th April & I am not looking forward to it. Experiences please.



    Hi Poco Loco,
    I have been having Zometa infusions for over a year now. I also had the treatment 2 years ago prior to my Stem Cell Transplant. Luckily I have never experienced any side effects. It might be that you are experiencing some side effects from other myeloma medications you are currently taking. It never ceases to surprise how side effects can suddenly appear when you been been on a particular medication for several months without any problems. It might be worth mentioning what happened when you go for your next Zometa infusion, then your medical team can monitor any reactions.
    I hope all goes well for you.



    Hi Poco Loco

    Sorry to hear that you’re having side effects from your Zometa treatment. As always, the first people to approach are your medical team and then the Myeloma UK helpline.

    I had 24 cycles of Zometa in 2013 and started again last year, now on cycle 13 of 24. I also know others in our myeloma support group who are on this treatment as well.

    What they call `Zometa flu’ after the first infusion seems very common, ie hot and cold shivers, but this seems to go away with subsequent infusions. Fatigue also seems to be common for a day or two afterwards, and my skin seems to be more sensitive as well. Other than these fairly minor side effects it seems to be fairly well tolerated.

    Hope this helps




    Hi Poco Loco

    I am one of the discussion forum volunteers. When I first started on Zometa, I experienced a lot of what you are going through. However I have now been on it for 2 years, and the symptoms for me have now almost disappeared. I think your body gets used to it, although I still find having a sleep when I get home helps.

    The bigger picture is that it is helping strengthen your bones and preventing fractures, so worth keeping up with. If the nausea and sickness are unmanageable, speak with your clinical team and they might be able to prescribe anti-emetics to reduce the symptoms.

    Please let us know how you get on with it.

    regards, Tony

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