AMcGuire replied to the topic NEW TO VELCADE in the forum Treatment 13 years, 8 months ago
Bless you Kay, what a time you're having … though I do get a lovely warm glow from you, I feel your wonderfully positive attitude and fighting spirit will see you through this rough patch.
All I can say is that I'm thinking of you, wishing you well and sending more positive energy in your direction.
Sending love and healing…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic In Everything in the forum Off topic 13 years, 8 months ago
Hi Dai and Gill …. Gill, you can uncross those fingers now 😀
We had John home for a few hours today, I think he was pleased to be home although he didn't say those words (if that makes sense). He was so completely knackered from the 15 minute journey from the hospice to our house he seemed too tired to express excitement that we'd all so…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic In Everything in the forum Off topic 13 years, 8 months ago
Hi Dai, hope the sun is shining on you and you are keeping well?
Thanks for asking after John … he's still in the hospice, ups and downs to be honest. The toxicity has long gone so he's not shouting out, jerking, completely confused any longer. He took some seizures however which resulted in him being transferred to the hospital although…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic In Everything in the forum Off topic 13 years, 8 months ago
Hi Roz, bless you for feeling so lost, I feel for you.
Just a wee thought, suggestion perhaps …. when I worked in the funeral directors we had a family place an order for a bird bath for the garden – it was special in that their loved ones remains could be housed in tubing inside the body of the birdbath (hope that makes sense). This way it…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic Admitted yesterday. in the forum Carers 13 years, 8 months ago
Oh Min, bless you …. I'm just on catching up. What a rotten time you are both having! I'm so sorry for the strain you are feeling, I truly am.
Its the old catch 22 when our loved ones become ill – ill at home means lots of hands-on support to the point of exhaustion though we never complain; ill in hospital means lots of running in and out…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic Memory Book – right or wrong? in the forum General 13 years, 8 months ago
Awe Min, bless you ….. I'm a big softie too, and theres nothing wrong with having a heart its a quality some people aren't blessed with.
My SIL is childless, she doesn't really understand how terribly important it is to involve children in every step of life. She fears sharing feelings and voicing her vulnerability so she'd rather not think…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic Memory Book – right or wrong? in the forum General 13 years, 8 months ago
Evening Dai
I found a lovely book on Amazon – "Dear Dad, from you to me" by Neil Coxon – bought one for each of the girls. Sounds the very same as what you've been given by your children too – the pages have prompts and particular questions to ponder over then write your answer. I can't wait till it comes, it has been recommended by many buyers…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic Memory Book – right or wrong? in the forum General 13 years, 8 months ago
Thanks Michelle.
I have sent the cat amongst the pigeons and told Johns family of my intentions – his brothers haven't responded however his sister has already sent a negative text to me about it telling me it is such a bad idea! Grrrr
Anyhow, I spoke to John about it at the hospice today, bearing in mind Gill and Stephens conversation above…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic V3/1 Bad news… Excellent news… in the forum Treatment 13 years, 8 months ago
Holy Smoke!! Dai this is WONDERFUL news!! I'm so happy for you I could burst – yay!!
Wonderful, fantastic, super-dee-duper …. thanks so much for sharing, this is such a positive, cheery note and just what the doctor ordered for us all.
Well done to you and many congratulations too 😀
Big squeezy hug to you and Janet, I'm so very…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic Memory Book – right or wrong? in the forum General 13 years, 8 months ago
Oh Tom, bless you, thank you for your lovely message.
You've given me a wee chuckle too …. reading your message I appear to be compiling a memory book for both John and Steve! 😀 Sorry, I shouldn't poke fun at you, however it has made me have a little laugh today (at your expense though). And poor Steve, bless him.
I do hope you are…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic Memory Book – right or wrong? in the forum General 13 years, 8 months ago
Hi Shirley, thanks for your message, bless you.
I really can't wait to get started now, you have all filled me with inspiration and such great ideas about the memory boxes and memory books. I'll need to have a good think about what I'm going to do and how I'm going to do it so I do it right.
Sending you love and healing thoughts…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic Memory Book – right or wrong? in the forum General 13 years, 8 months ago
Bless you Mavis, thank you for your lovely words.
I'm having a wee chuckle. I have always said that when John does "go away" that he'll be back rattling chains at the bottom of bed – he's just that kind of a character, always practical joking and being silly. He's quite a comedian!! So, haha, you are absolutely right – he will be VERY close…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic Memory Book – right or wrong? in the forum General 13 years, 8 months ago
Hi Bridget, I hope your pain is better today …. or I should really say gone shouldn't I?! Poor you, I hope the doctors/specialist nurse can adjust your medication to a suitable level, its all a matter of tweaking till you get to the right level. I think they try to start you low and build you up rather than the other way around.
Thank you…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic Memory Book – right or wrong? in the forum General 13 years, 8 months ago
Ahh Min, bless you. I hope you and Peter are both feeling better today, though please don't go beating yourself up that my situation is worse than your situation because you have grown up children and ours are still little…… its just not the case. Life is terribly unfair yes I agree, though its the hurdles you jump that make you a stronger…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic Memory Book – right or wrong? in the forum General 13 years, 8 months ago
Tina, bless you. Thank you for your reply too.
I think you are right about starting gathering bits and bobs now rather than waiting till later …. I can't imagine life afterwards yet, but I'm sure it will be a jumble and a guddle and time will likely rumble away before I've had the chance to get some memories together and then I'll think its…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic Memory Book – right or wrong? in the forum General 13 years, 8 months ago
Pamela, oh my goodness you have given me such inspiration!!
I had a look at the website you suggested – Winstons Wish – heavens I was in floods of tears reading through some of it, but what a wonderful, fantastically brilliant site. I can't thank you enough for sharing this information, I'd never have come across it otherwise. I remember…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic Memory Book – right or wrong? in the forum General 13 years, 8 months ago
Thank you Eve for your lovely message.
You are right about hanging onto the fact that he didn't sign the "DNR" form – he has told the nursing staff that he wants every treatment possible to keep him here – so that is a HUGE positive, and ofcourse shows he's not quite ready to throw in the towel just yet.
The more I think about the memory box…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic Memory Book – right or wrong? in the forum General 13 years, 8 months ago
Oh Roz bless you for taking the time to reply.
Your love and devotion to Michael comes through loud and clear, I admire your strength and courage and truly believe he is still with you yet. I don't think you are daft at all for speaking with him every day, I think he'd be quite put out if you pretended he wasn't there! I'm a very spiritual…[Read more]
AMcGuire started the topic Memory Book – right or wrong?. in the forum General 13 years, 9 months ago
Hi everyone.
We're going through the mill just now, John is not doing so well. He's been in the hospital for a couple of weeks, was discharged home much too early then ended up in the local hospice. Last night he was moved to the hospital following seizures at the hospice, he wasn't keen to move but if he stayed at the hospice then he was to…[Read more]
AMcGuire replied to the topic Come My Bonnie Boy (Song) in the forum Off topic 13 years, 9 months ago
Bless you Jo.
And a belated Happy Birthday to you too:-D Hope you had a fun-filled day.
I'm doing lots of decorating around the house whilst John is away. Lots of deliveries too of disability aids for him – the stairlift should go in next week I believe. Busy busy …. but such fun!!
Sending healing thoughts and love too
Angelina xx