
  • Hi Vicki and Colin

    Hope you are both keeping well:-)

    As you know, my Mum is a little ahead of you in regards to treatment and was randomised in December for Revlimid and Vorinostat. I think she would have felt "cheated" to be randomised to no maintenance. I also think she would have been happier to have been given just Revlimid. Based on…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Relapsing in the forum General 11 years, 4 months ago

    Oh no you two:-(

    I sincerely hope this watching and waiting lasts for a very long time.

    Hope you have a lovely time in Barcelona Helen and good riddance to the cough:-)

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Itchy Rash Post SCT in the forum Side-effects 11 years, 4 months ago

    HI Suzy, any luck getting to the bottom of your husbands itchy rash? My mum has similar, she's using Aveeno lotion that my hubby was given for his excema.

    Hope he's itch free by now:-)

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic SCT and PPs levels in the forum Treatment 11 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Jean

    I cant seem to post on this thread properly. I have sent you a private message.

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic SCT and PPs levels in the forum Treatment 11 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Jean and Frank

    I dont seem to contribute to this site much nowadays but I do check in regularly – Congrats on your new arrival:-)

    Im sorry to hear you are still waiting for a bed, I agree with Megan – is there anyone you can chase at the hospital?

    I hope this helps Frank (and you Jean)……My Mum waited nearly 4 months from end of…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic light chain myeloma in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Babs
    I've been wondering how you are getting on with your new maintenance treatment. My mums on her 2nd
    Cycle now and is feeling ok, except for a terrible shoulder pain and tonight she has come out in itchy lumps. It's nice that your hubby is going with you to your nex t meeting:-)

    Hi Tom
    I hope you are feeling well 🙂

    Love Ali x

  • Hi Vicki

    Im sorry to hear about Colins Dad:-( But im extremely pleased you had a nice Christmas and New Year.

    It does seem that Colin may be overdoing things? You have had a few really busy and long days and hopefully he is just catching up on some rest. You are bound to worry Vicki. Main thing, I think, is no temperature. If you are…[Read more]

  • Hi

    I have eaten all of my chocs and biscuits very quickly this year, once they are gone I can start with the healthier eating (well that is the plan anyway)and its safe to say I dont think I can cram anything else in, im craving a salad!

    Funny you should say about infection, Mum spent last Sat evening in a&e, high temp 38.5 and no signs of…[Read more]

  • Hi Helen,

    Thanks for that. Mum has found that week 4 (no meds) she can eat normally. Its just getting used to the change and adjusting as required I suppose. Mums on 10mg of Revlimid I spotted today as well as the Vorinostat.

    We has a wonderful Christmas this year thankyou – my 9 year, when asked what he would like for Christmas said "I…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Phil's SCT Journey in the forum Treatment 11 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Megan and Phil

    Well done and WELCOME HOME!

    I havent been on here quite so much just lately, im trying to make the most of life being more on an even keel:-) Although I have been tuned it to your thread.

    Take it easy now both of you

    Love Ali xx

  • Hi Helen

    Swit swoo! Your pic is wonderful. You both look very glam:-)

    Glad to hear the whoop has finally gone but I see you have the cold and cough like the majority of us.

    My Mum has started her maintenance, nearly completed her first month of Rev and Vorinostat. She is getting on fine except for the fact she has like a shelf in her…[Read more]

  • To all

    I wish you all a very merry christmas and a healthy and happy new year.

    With much love Ali xx

  • Hi Tina

    Its lovely to hear you are now on the up and feeling much better.

    My Mum had her SCT at the beginning of August and I have watched her improve week by week. We went to do the grocery shop today and she says she feels much better now than she did all of last year before diagnosis:-)

    Wishing you a very Happy Christmas.

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Phil's SCT Journey in the forum Treatment 11 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Megan

    Crikey, just a few minor hiccups! Lets hope the rest of Phils stay goes according to plan and he has an uneventful stay:-)

    Remember to look after yourself too

    Love Ali x

  • Ali replied to the topic In Hospital… Again! in the forum Treatment 11 years, 6 months ago

    Dear Dai

    I do hope you are on the up now, ready for the discharge on Friday and ready to enjoy the festivities.

    Much Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Franks stem cell harvest in the forum Treatment 11 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Jean and Frank

    What a relief for you both:-) Mum was just the same – in 1 sitting and millions of lovely cells. No pain no gain.

    Try and relax now and have a wonderful Christmas.

    Much love to you and your family Ali xx

  • Hi Helen

    Nice to hear from you. Look how far you have come in those two years. Crikey, who would have thought. I'm pleased to hear the cough has much improved, didn't someone say to you that it would be gone by Christmas? Well its not got long now to properly do one!

    As you know, my mum is 1 year behind you Helen, just wanted to…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic in hospital for my sct in the forum Treatment 11 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Peggy

    Just wishing you a very uneventful stay in hospital.

    Much love Ali xx

  • Hi Babs

    Oh no! There's a lot of d&v going about around our way. I work in an NHS outpatient department and loads of patients are cancelling. I do hope that's all it is. Yes, mum was issued with domperidone. She had to take some on day 2, she said all of a sudden she felt nauseous. Been ok since though.

    Hi Graham

    It's encouraging to…[Read more]

  • Hi Babs

    It's so lovely to hear you are feeling so well at long last. My mum started her vorinostat and revlimid on Friday. She felt a.little sick after the vorinostat, do you? Wonder if it will subside when she gets used to them? .

    Sorry its short, but I'm using my phone and not the laptop, its,a pain:-

    Love Ali x

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