
  • Hi Chris

    Wishing you the best of luck for today!

    Paintballing sounds fun – ouch!:-)

    I thought it was only me watching Dallas! Lets discuss after the next episode!

    Hi Eve

    I hope you had a lovely holiday. Thanks for the hair info. Will you just let Slims hair grow or will you give the "bumfluff" a mow?.

    Love Ali xx

  • Hi Michelle

    Just a question about hairloss. When did yours start to make an appearance again? My Mum is 7 weeks post SCT.

    Hope you are having a good weekend

    Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    HI Vicki and Colin

    Good for you with your questions!

    Have you seen BikerChris post? hes just had funding granted for Plerixafor – good news:-)

    Try not to think about it not working (just goes to show there is a plan d,e,f etc) you are going to get there!

    Ps I am one of the ones that watched Dallas – loved it, can remember it from…[Read more]

  • Hi Chris

    Firstly, congratulations on your recent wedding!

    Its great news to hear you have been granted funding for Plerixafor-(did I read its about £5,000 per shot?). I am sure you will collect those lovely cells this time. It will be a good boost to Vicki and Colin as they are going through the process of applying for funding for it. It…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic No really – this is good news in the forum Off topic 12 years ago

    Hi David

    Thats really great news – phew 🙂

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    Hi you two

    Right, good luck for today with the Consultant.

    Questions at the ready?

    I really do hope you get some answers and find out what Plan C is.

    Im guessing that your consultant is frustrated he cant do his job and give what his pateint needs purely due to monetry restraints. The main thing though is Colin gets the treatment he…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic My dad… in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    Hi Joanne

    Sorry you have had to join us on here:-( But on a positive note I dont know how I would have coped without this place to ask questions and have a good old moan. There is always someone that comes along to give friendly advice and encouragement and always someone who has "been there" before. Please use the info guides on this site…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic It's all starting! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    Hi Tina

    Im just wishing all the best for your Hickman line going in tomorrow. My Mum had hers removed on monday, and although she was glad to see it go it proved really a godsend, as you have lots of bloods taken and of course lots of iv drips.

    No pain going in or coming out!

    Love Alison xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    Hey Vicki and Colin

    Ditto what everyone else has said. Good luck for thursday and I hope you get some answers.

    Love Ali xx

    Ps look at your messages on your profile

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago

    Hi Vicki and Colin

    Oh no, I dont know what to say to you both. Im so sorry you have got this added worry.

    So, let me get this right. You have got to go back and try again tomorrow?.

    I am gutted for you. Glad you got some good info from Ellen. There has got to be a plan c.

    Love Ali xx

  • Hoorah Wendy

    Its great to hear your lovely news!


    Love Ali xx

  • Hi Gill

    My Mums had Zometa infusions every 4 weeks since her diagnosis last November. Having said that she has not had one in a little while as she has just had her SCT. She was told she would be having it for 2 years. We go to clinic today so I will check if its still available for Mum in our area and let you know. Whereabouts are you?.…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Proper Fed Up Mark III in the forum Side-effects 12 years ago

    Hi Dai

    I am pleased the anti biotics seem to be working, but sorry you feel washed out still. Maybe a few more of Janets roasts will sort you out?:-)

    Its awful having to vet people before you see them isnt it? in case they are germinated. My Mum had to tell my brother not to take his son (4 months old) as he had a cold and she felt…[Read more]

  • Hi Lyn

    My Mum was also diagnosed last November (11.11.11 appt time 11.10am) will not forget that date in a hurry 🙁

    You have not rattled on….thats what we are here for.

    I think we all feel the same re SCT, its scary stuff, but then when you read things like Eves post you know its got to be worth it in the long run.

    Keep in touch

    Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago


    Fingers and toes crossed for tomorrow for you. Will be thinking of you.

    Im going with Mum to have her hickman line out tomorrow – she will feel a bit more like herself without her tassles!.

    Will check in tomorrow night to see whats occured 🙂

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Colin SCT plan b! in the forum Treatment 12 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Vicki and Colin

    Just checking in to see how you are both doing? Hope you are having a restful weekend.

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic Paraprotein news in the forum General 12 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Andy

    Nice to hear from you, the pps are going in the right direction for you.

    Brollies and wellies I reckon, have a lovely break away 🙂

    Love Ali xx

  • Ali replied to the topic A BIG Hello in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Amanda and Bob

    Sorry you have had to join us, but we are a friendly bunch!

    My name is Alison, its my Mum with MM. She was diagnosed last November aged 57. We had never heard of myeloma. Shes also on Myeloma XI trial. RCD for 5 cycles and shes just out of hospital having had SCT.

    If you have any questions, ask away as im sure that…[Read more]

  • Ali replied to the topic Diagnosed this week in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Andrea

    My name is Alison and its my Mum with MM (shes 58), I just wanted to "welcome"? you to the forum. I have found all the people on here so friendly and willing to share their experiences, its made the whole thing much more bearable:-)

    Good luck on your journey and lets hope you carry on smouldering for a long time yet.

    Love Ali…

  • Ali replied to the topic second Sct – funding in the forum Treatment 12 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Mari

    I was wondering what was occuring with you two, but dare not ask! Steves SCT was originally set for before my Mums and shes been home for 2 1/2 weeks now.

    I think the time you have had to wait is ridiculous – and all down to funding?! makes my blood boil.

    Still, you have a date now for next week – just as you are back at school…[Read more]

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