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  • #108452


    Dear Sarah

    I'm so sorry to hear the news of your Mum passing. I can't begin to know how you are feeling now. Your Mum was very brave, and so must you be now. Be kind to yourself.

    Love Ali xx




    Well, October does not sound like a great month for you :-(, but wow what great results on your pp levels!

    Same again for Novembers results please.

    Love Ali

    Roast beef for our Sunday lunch




    Your story really did make me chuckle!

    I have nothing but admiration for you. How brave of you to even attempt the journey! It's amazing what You can accomplish when you set your mind to it!

    You should write a book 🙂

    I'm sure Stephen would be proud of you.

    Love Ali x



    Hi Vicki

    Thanks for asking, she's doing really well. Just incredibly tired of an afternoon. She has been prescribed some mild sleeping tabs to help her sleep at night ( but reluctant to take them!?). I'm sure if she slept better at night she would not feel so tired in the day.

    We have just come back off of our hols together,fantastic time had by all. Mum joined in with everything and kept up with my boys. Was wonderful to be together :-).

    What have you been up to? And how is Colin doing?

    Love Ali x




    I'm really pleased you are an official trialist for Pomalyst. That's just what you wanted. Please keep us informed.

    Love Ali x




    Its great to hear that the Velcade is doing its job, but im really sorry to hear that you are losing your hair (is it just really thin, or is it like after Melphalan?)

    Im sure it is quite a change for you, being at home rather than work. As I tell my kids – you will get square eyes watching all that tele! Nice to be a lady that lunches though for a while! Once you regain your strength you will soon be doing the chores.

    My Mum is good thankyou. Went to see the consultant yesterday and she is still in remission – great news (we don't ask for the numbers anymore ) Mum stopped the maintenance Vorinostat/Revlimid and feels better for not taking them too. Her only real complaint is fatigue. She doesnt sleep well at night (this is nothing new) and is exhausted in the afternoons. We asked for some sleeping pills and reluctantly the consultant wrote out a prescription, we shall see if they help – or if she takes them!

    Holiday at halfterm, cant wait! Istanbul, Athens, couple of Greek islands then back to Turkey for Ephasus. Think it will be fairly hectic,but we are just looking forward to being together!

    Again, lovely to hear from you Helen

    Love Ali xx



    Hi Helen

    How are things? Have you finished your treatment? Questions, questions, sorry:-) its just reall
    y great to see you on here. Time to get up……. Got to dash. Just wanted to say hi xx

    Sorry to hijak your post carol. It seems the drugs are doing their job. Just 3 more weeks, see if they can do even more good.

    Love ALi xx




    My Mum got terrible pains, worse than any labour pain she said at the time. The others are right, no pain no gain. Mum was connected to the machine for 2 days (gosh or was it 1?) Sorry, fancy forgetting! Anyway she collected enough cells for 2 transplants 🙂

    Good luck for the harvest

    Love Ali x



    Hi Eve

    I'm sorry to hear that Slim has
    Been in hospital, and like Megan, I can't answer your question.

    Hope things are on the up tomorrow.

    Remember to look after yourself too Eve.

    Love Ali xx



    Hi Guys

    My Mum has just spent the past few days in hospital, temp 39.1 when admitted. Infection source unknown. I fetched her out this evening. These infections are such a worry 🙁

    You are in the best place Tony, better to be safe, but hope they set you free soon 🙂

    Love Ali x



    Hi John,

    It's great to hear you are doing do well after sct, the word remission is brilliant isn't it?. Long long may it continue 🙂

    Love Ali x



    Oh Mari

    I am so sorry about Stephen passing.

    Sending you extra strength at this sad time.

    Love Ali x



    Hi Scott

    Wishing you an "event" free SCT. Exactly this time last year my Mum had hers, she's now in remission and enjoying her life. Head down, grit teeth, whatever it takes to get you through. You will soon be back home.

    All the best

    Love Ali x



    Hey Dai

    I hope the weather has been kind to you and your clan. In my part of Nottinghamshire its been rainy. I'm sure the weather cannot spoil your day. What a super idea.

    Love Ali x



    Hi Vicki,

    Hmm that doesn't sound good, Colins back I mean. As if he's not got enough to deal with! Yes, fingers x for physio, they really can work wonders at times.

    Mums good thanks. Still tires easily but she's just getting in with it. She had a bmb 4 weeks ago maybe and has not heard anything, assuming its no news is good news.

    Glad to hear you are getting out and about abit more and when you have finished your work at home, book that holiday, it will do you both the world of good I'm sure.

    Love Ali x

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