• Hello A plus a monthly dose of pamidrinatengelina

    thank you for the hugs I need them
    I was diagnosed in jan 2009 entered hospital with double pnumonia renal failure and MM I also needed eight units of blood
    First line of treatment was a big mistake idarubicin, damaged my kidneys even further then had 5 lots of CDT then took thalidmide for a…[Read more]

  • Hello Anghelina

    I was very intered in Johns story did he take any medicine after the CDT apart from pain killers and bone strengthner he had a good remission a lot of people have SCT and only get a year or eighteen months remmission

    Kind Regards Jo 😉

  • BADGER replied to the topic Quietly Panicking! in the forum General 13 years, 10 months ago

    Dear angelina

    I believe in all things mystic there are some strange things in heavan and earth to many things happen not to believe it

    Love Jo x :-S

  • BADGER replied to the topic Quietly Panicking! in the forum General 13 years, 10 months ago


    you know house work is a dangerous business. seriously I really hope that is all it is all my monsters come at night or early morning if it does not go away get straight on to UCH thats what they are there for

    Love you lots JO :-S

  • BADGER replied to the topic V For Victory in the forum General 13 years, 10 months ago

    Hello Dia

    good luck for tomorrow I hope all goes well, I am with Janet my garden is desperarate for rain

    Love jO X 😎

  • BADGER replied to the topic BLOOD PRESSURE in the forum Side-effects 13 years, 10 months ago

    Hello Eve

    So sorry to hear about Slim I agree with Min and Jean contact your local paper and what about the daily mail also could myeloma uk help you
    my thoughts are with you
    love Jo x

  • BADGER replied to the topic I Won't Sing in the forum Off topic 13 years, 10 months ago


    I thought your song was brilliant and the singer was pretty good to

    Have you any more tracks

    Love JO X8-)

  • Hi Jet

    I get my sodium bicarbonate from the docter on perscription I think a tub of 56 5oomgs capsuals is £17.00 you might get your docter to give you some I have also read about them having anti cancer properties although my consultant said he had never heard of it I also take an 800mg vit c tablet and a pure allicin tablet I have read about…[Read more]

  • BADGER replied to the topic BLOOD PRESSURE in the forum Side-effects 13 years, 10 months ago

    Hello Eve

    CONGRATULATIONS lets hope you can have a small party or even a big one once Slim is up and about fingers crossed it sounds as if he is over the worst good job you sent for an ambulance to bad if he moansed he will have to agree now you did the right thing:-S

    Lots of love Jo 😎

  • Hello chucky and Hubby

    I was diagnosed in Jan 09 with double pnuemonia renal failure and as it turned out MM the first treatment I was give was idarubcin which made my kidneys even worse they were preparing me for dialysis I had a wonderful renal consultant who put me on sodium bicarbonate tablets along with the steriods my kidneys improved a…[Read more]

  • Hi Bridget

    WHAT A WEIRDO :-S but hay it must help I think this is a werdo club at least it has got you noticed which is the main thing and it looks like you will get special treament so glad about that never mind the cost so much is spent on wasteful things you deserve the best

    Lots of love Jo 😎

  • hello Dia

    Good luck for your next appointment hopefully you might not be at that stage yet:'-( I had a clinic appointment today and saw a nice new registrar He was Italian and we discussussed various things they are more advanced in Italy and have been giving velcade as a first line treatment for ages he said they also have had success with…[Read more]

  • BADGER replied to the topic BLOOD PRESSURE in the forum Side-effects 13 years, 10 months ago

    hi Eve

    Men are so bl**dy difficult you must be out of your mind worrying dont they know its for there own good
    Hope you have a better day tomorrow

    Love Jo 😎

  • Hello Dia

    Poms Poms and bells we have to fight to live which is what us friends on this site are doing it would be great to meet everyone I think we may all be a bit spead out we need a central point, keep up the fight Dia how about another poem I used to look forward to them

    Love Jo8-)

  • BADGER replied to the topic BLOOD PRESSURE in the forum Side-effects 13 years, 10 months ago

    hi Eve

    Sorry he has not been to well I know men are difficult mine is he would be terrible if he gets any thing wrong with him my blood pressure did not go low in fact its the reverse mainly due to the kidney failure we cannot win can we hope he feels better soon
    Love Jo :-S

  • Hi Gill

    Yippee wonderful news hope you have a happy easter I expect you will now

    Love jO 😎

  • BADGER replied to the topic Franks appointment in the forum General 13 years, 10 months ago

    😎 😎 Hello Jean
    I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in that clinic good for Frank
    I sometimes feel consultants talk at you not to you although he will end up with egg on his face if she is right positive vibes about the treatment at sixty eight at the hospital I attend they would not consider it
    Have a lovely weekend with your new…[Read more]

  • BADGER replied to the topic Easter in the forum Off topic 13 years, 10 months ago

    HelIo David and jean

    I hope you both have a good easter, Jean I hope the weather holds for you I have stayed on Strangford loch three time a beautiful place but it rained most of the time

    lOVE jO 😎

  • BADGER replied to the topic So pleased to be back in the forum Carers 13 years, 10 months ago

    Hello Gill

    I watch Benidorm I think its moronically funny there are people like that! and yes I remember crossroads how funny it was when it wasn't
    meant to be my mother in law was addicted to it
    Love Jo 😉 y

  • BADGER replied to the topic So pleased to be back in the forum Carers 13 years, 10 months ago

    Hello min

    Sorry your hols turned out so rotten especially as you had been looking forward to them Peter probably caught his infection from the plane I got a terrible cold last month when we got back from the canaries I know what you mean about two cardies cold up your way we visit friends in Leyburn in the yorkshire dales and its always a few…[Read more]

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