tried that it didn't work I shall just have to get another image if I can remember how to do it i am not very good with technology.
I have had sciatica for the last six weeks( agony )I have had some relief I went to an accupunture clinic it really helped with the pain thanks for trying to help me hope you feel better soon
Love Jo x
Fingers crossed, retirement i can really recommed it this will be time for you to do what you want most of the time, if you are like i was working full time for most of my life its a return to freedom
Hi Tom glad you are doing well 13 months is great:-) I am not so keen on this new web site:-/ as i found the other site easier as you could see all the posts at the same time being a computer numpty this was much better for me I also dont seem to get a clear picture on either:-(
Best Regards Jo >:-)
Will power whats that, mine was last seen disapearing over the hill fast.
Since I have been on steriods I look like a barrel on legs put me in a tutu and I could join the elephant circus. Its not chocalate for me as I am not supposed to have it its nuts which are my favourite snack never really thought of them as fattening but I now know they are loaded with calories so I must be nuts to keep imbibing oh I can always go for a glass of sherry!
welcome to the site I know you will find all the help and advise you need here, I did. I was diagnosed two years ago and one of the first treatments I had was seven units of blood as I was so anaemic this was partly due to the fact my kidneys had failed I continued to have two units every month for at least six months it really helped me not feel so tired it then went to every three months now I have lasted six months because my kidneys are now working a bit better I have never had a problem from the transfusions and they helped my a great deal so I am sure your wife will cope very well with them give her my best wishes fingers crossed for the treatments
So glad to heard they have arrenged your RT treastment so quickly it must be so awful for you to be constantly in pain (all of you ) it must be much easier to cope without it, its a pity you cannot stay at Uch rather than travelling but I expect you may feel more confortable at home. fingers crossed for the revlimid I am sure you will get on well with it everyone I have spoken to in my support group thinks it marvellous not too many side effects
hope mum is ok with the infusion I have had pamidrinate for the last eighteen months once a month it made my bones ache at first but after a while I have felt no effects at all I have mine over an hour and a half once a month hope your mum keeps well
Love JO:-D
Sorry the monster is back we are all waiting for this dreaded phone call
I dont suppose its ever as bad as the first time we are told it just as if there is a ticking time bomb in us and we just dont know when its going to go off really good luck with the next lot of treatment lets hope it gives you a good long remmission
Keep Well love Jo:-S
Hi Gaye
when I went to the myeloma open day in London there was a lecture from a visiting proffesser from America, who spoke about varius treatment and Pomalidomide was one of them he said that the results were very positive sometimes on their own and some times combined with a steriod he seem to think it was going to be one of the next best treatments to come on stream after revlimid so I think you are pretty lucky to get it as it is not licenced here yet good luck with the treatment and I hope they sort your back out soon you can feel a bit more positive if free of pain
We went to Ibiza last sept and insured throught a company called MIA throught the agent J D Travel its a company that specialises in insurance for very ill people even if they dont feel very ill just the related illness that people have.We went throught the terms and conditions and they seemed very fair you must hold an EHIC card which is upto date and use the country that you are visitings health service if you are in as we were in spanish territory they have a habit of taking you to a private hospital MIA even gave us the name and address of our nearest one so if anything happened we could have asked to go there i dont think they are the cheapest but it looked like the best cover
Kind Regars JO 😎
So glad you are feeling better never pleasant in hospital your heart must have sunk when they said the velcade didnt work but you need to get rid rid of that tumer first and be rid of pain then on to the next step Revlimid seems successful for most people but I am afraid it will probably be with DEX again but if it works which it should yippee:-) You always post and cheer people up so I hope these posts show we care for you and are all with you in our thoughts
Love Jo x