ChelleMc replied to the topic Three little words…… in the forum General 12 years ago
Congrats! That's wonderful. 😀
ChelleMc started the topic Article and stuff!!. in the forum General 12 years ago
Last week I wrote to Take A Break magazine about Phil. I spoke with them Friday and they contacted me this morning to confirm that they want to publish his story! I am chuffed to bits. Will update when I know when it will be in the shops. Also I have developed a Facebook page (Burton Myeloma Support Group) and Twitter page (@burtonmyelomasg). Hope…[Read more]
ChelleMc replied to the topic Question…..maintenance treatment in the forum General 12 years ago
I would also ask about Thalidamide to see if it's an option..
All the best of luck..
Chelle xx
ChelleMc started the topic Burton Supprt Group. in the forum General 12 years ago
Hello everyone…
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy & healthy 2013.. I hope everyone is feeling well and has high spirits…
The next Burton Myeloma Support Group Meeting is 12 April @ 14:00.
If you or anyone wants information please feel free to contact me through here, 07872 562536 or
All the best,
ChelleMc replied to the topic Queen's Hospital Burton Suport Group in the forum General 12 years, 3 months ago
Hi Mike,
So wonderful to hear from you! You are more than welcome to come. The next meeting is 7 Dec @ 14:00. It's on thev1st floor Jubilee Wing Seminar Room. It's right behind reception. Where are you possibly aving you SCT. Hope to see you on the 7th, if you need anything before please don't hesitate to contact me: or…[Read more]
ChelleMc started the topic Fundraiser. in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Just wanted to make anyone aware.. I am hosting a ladies night, Fashion Show & Sale Fundraiser. It is on Wednesday 5 Sept @ The National Brewery Centre in Burton on Trent Staffordshire. Doors open at 7p and show starts at 7:30p. Tickets are £6. Clothes are from the High Street Stores and up to 75% off!! You can see, purchase and take hoe your…[Read more]
ChelleMc started the topic Fundraiser. in the forum Off topic 12 years, 7 months ago
Just wanted to make anyone aware.. I am hosting a ladies night, Fashion Show & Sale Fundraiser. It is on Wednesday 5 Sept @ The National Brewery Centre in Burton on Trent Staffordshire. Doors open at 7p and show starts at 7:30p. Tickets are £6. Clothes are from the High Street Stores and up to 75% off!! You can see, purchase and take hoe your…[Read more]
ChelleMc replied to the topic Lost in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 7 months ago
I am so sorry for your loss. My husband passed 10 March. There are good days, bad days and days I still feel lost. Have you thought of bereavement counsiling? I had my 1st one on Monday & found it very helpful. I wish I knew the magic words to help but unfortunatly they're different for everyone. Just know there is always support on here.…[Read more]
ChelleMc replied to the topic 10 March 2012 in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 12 months ago
I would just like to say a huge thank you for all the kind words. We are managing day by day and tear by tear. My 1st concern is the 2 oldest kids. I have spoke with both their schools and am sorting bereavement counsiling for them. The baby is doing better. Getting to be more of herself. Hopefully they will cope OK on Friday. It's tough to be…[Read more]
ChelleMc started the topic 10 March 2012. in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 12 months ago
I've been a widow for 8 days now. I still can't get use to it. Phil went to bed fine that Thursday and then I was calling 999 at 3:30a. He perked up Friday then gone @ 10:30 Saturday morning. I guess he perked up so his parents, sister, my mum and our 3 kids could say good bye? He passed in my arms with his parents and sister next to him. I gave…[Read more]
ChelleMc started the topic How do you start to say good bye??. in the forum End of Life and Grief 13 years, 2 months ago
First of all I would like to say I am so sorry for all the losses you have encountered. I wish you all peace and prayers.
I am the carer to my husband who is 37. He was diagnosed in 2004. The past year MM has been running the show and we have just been told our last hope chemo (Revlamid) isn't working. He has no more NHS chemo and only has the…[Read more]
ChelleMc replied to the topic New and confused in the forum Under 50s 13 years, 2 months ago
Hi Gary, First off.. Don't be embarrassed!! It is wonderful that you want to help your sister. I am the carer for my husband who is 37 (DX 2004). I wish I could say the magic words to solve the situation but unfortunately… Cancer sucks.. And there is no easy way. Phil had SCT and different chemos over the past 7yrs (including Thalidomide) and…[Read more]
ChelleMc replied to the topic New Carer saying Hello in the forum Carers 13 years, 2 months ago
Hi and welcome. I have to agree with the others, the support you will get here is wonderful. I am a carer to my husband Phil. He was DX 2004 at 30. He has done well but the past year MM has been taking a toll. The feelings you have are so normal. You will have good and bad days just like he will. Phil was just admitted into hospital for the 2nd…[Read more]
ChelleMc started the topic It was only a transfusion….. in the forum Carers 13 years, 3 months ago
Phil had his Consultant appointment this morning. he had been ill over the weekend but no fever just feeling crap- that time of year. The told us last week his bloods were low and ended up not being able to go the Myeloma Info Day in Birmingham this past Sat… We knew he would probably need a blood transfusion but for some reason when they told…[Read more]
ChelleMc replied to the topic HI ALL ANOTHER YOUNG UN in the forum Under 50s 13 years, 3 months ago
Welcome to the forum, sorry it's under this situation. I am 37 and the carer of my husband (also 37). You're levels are very low which actually is a good time to av a SCT. I wasn't with my husband when he had his in 2005 but I do know you will need a lot of support. It is a difficult recovery, in some aspects more emotional. It's the only time he…[Read more]
ChelleMc replied to the topic Minor Op next week in the forum Treatment 13 years, 6 months ago
Just wanted to wish you both good luck on the op. I'm sure everything will go fine. I'd love to say don't worry but as a carer myself I know that's not possible. 🙂
Last year my husband got his flu jab so hopefully he is on the list this year. My GP's front desk can be awful. If you don't get a letter they won't do anything and don't want…[Read more]
ChelleMc replied to the topic Queen's Hospital Burton Suport Group in the forum General 13 years, 6 months ago
Was nice to meet you as well. Yes our 1st meeting is a few weeks away! Getting excited & nervous.. Thank you for the support!
ChelleMc replied to the topic Alternative to Aredia? in the forum Treatment 13 years, 6 months ago
My husband is on Zometa and touch wood had had no problems. He has had about 3-4 infusions. I'm not sure if he can be switched but it is worth asking the consultant or even calling Ellen on the info line here as she might know or be able to point you in the right direction.
Best of luck,
ChelleMc replied to the topic Work – when is it enough? in the forum General 13 years, 6 months ago
My husband has been off since late March. He was told when his levels were steady for +4weeks he could go back (mainly his neutrophils). They went a whole 4 weeks but that's it. He's still home. As much as he is waiting to go back it is for the best and it had taken his SO long to come to terms with that. He would go to work if his eyes were…[Read more]
ChelleMc started the topic Queen's Hospital Burton Suport Group. in the forum General 13 years, 6 months ago
I just wanted to get the word out that I have started a new Support Group at Queen's Hospital in Burton upon Trent. The 1st meeting is 12 Oct 2.30- 4.30. You can find info on the Support Group Site on the Myeloma UK web site or feel free to e-mail me on here. It is for patients, carers and family members. Hope to see any of you there. All the…[Read more]