
  • All, I'm new to this forum lark and I'm extremely moved by the postings which are so supportive of one another.

    I have put off 'getting involved' in forums because I think I can cope with my husband's Myeloma without help. How wrong am I? I have recently realised that I'm driving myself nuts by 'coping'and am causing my poor dear husband a lot…[Read more]

  • ChrisSmith replied to the topic HOT AND SPOTTY in the forum Side-effects 13 years, 2 months ago

    Hello Kay,

    Hot and Spotty has a familiar ring to it and I am pleased that your rash it isn't anything too awful.

    My husband has Myeloma and is on his 4th round of CDT. He had no side-affects until about 10 days ago when he came out in this terrific rash on his legs and had a high temperature. The rash quickly covered the whole of his body -…[Read more]