
  • Elfriede replied to the topic MM and Travelling in the forum General 11 years, 9 months ago

    Dear Etta, Michele, Badger, Tom and Eva:

    Thank you very much for your very kind replies. I very much appreciate your taking the time and write.

    I am on my way to overcome the fear. I have just bought a train ticket and visit my aunt this weekend. A first stepp.

    Dear Etta, all the best for your SCT next week. My thoughts and good wishes…[Read more]

  • Dear Fellows:

    At first: Congatiolations on the fantastic Olympic Games in London! I have watched a lot and loved the spirit and the wunderful pictures BBC brought into the world. The Closing Ceremony was outstanding.

    Should have jumped on a plane and go to London to see maybe the Marathon.

    That brings me to my topic: MM and…[Read more]

  • Good Morning, my name is Elfriede. I am living in Berlin/Germany. Iam 57 years old and married.
    I have been diagnosed with Myeloma last February and undergo Chemothearapie (Velcade) since then.
    I also have a very rare hereditary blood disorder: pyruvate kinase deficiency.
    Is here anybody in the forum, who is in the same condition? Please…[Read more]