Eva replied to the topic Trip to China in the forum Off topic 13 years, 11 months ago
Hi Min,
Am very happy to answer your questions. Would you rather email me direct?
My email is in one of the posts ; evayouren@lineone.net.
Eva started the topic Trip to China. in the forum Off topic 13 years, 11 months ago
Eva started the topic Trip to China. in the forum Off topic 13 years, 11 months ago
Eva started the topic Trip to China. in the forum Off topic 13 years, 11 months ago
More photos
Eva started the topic Trip to China. in the forum Off topic 13 years, 11 months ago
Hi All!
This is Eva from Scotland. I've just come back from China and would like to post some photos. I'll spread them over a few posts so as not to blow up the system.
It wasn't meant to be a holiday…. My husband was invited to read in public from his novels at a literary festival in Beijing. I was able to accompany him as long as I paid my…[Read more]
Eva replied to the topic Velcade price $1500 per shot in the forum Treatment 13 years, 11 months ago
Hi Nigel,
Eva here from Scotland. I think some of the older drugs are a bit cheaper: for example, Thal is cheaper than Rev. I'm sure that Nice will fight to save money. In the end treatments become available when they've been used in other countries for ages and it becomes obvious that we are very backward in funding them.
One of my neighbours…[Read more]
Eva replied to the topic Ah Well! in the forum General 13 years, 11 months ago
Dear Dai,
I'm sorry about your news. I do feel it's premature to be re-evaluating your prognosis. There are so many patterns of response and relapse. I don't know how many myeloma blogs and case histories you've read. There are people who actually 'fail' an ASCT and then go on to live ten years. Admittedly, they respond to other myeloma drugs, on…[Read more]
Eva replied to the topic surgery resulting from MM in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago
Dear Sylvia,
A quick question. I was interested that your onc will give you Velcade via injection. Which part of the UK are you in?
I'm interested in subcataneous delivery of velcade because whenever I've had a cannula put in it has always been very painful. The pain has persisted for the entire time I've had the cannula in.
Best…[Read more]
Eva replied to the topic Paraprotiens after SCT in the forum General 14 years, 1 month ago
Hi David,
My paraproteins were zero before the SCT. Afterwards they went up to 3G/L which was considered quite alarming by my onc. They stayed at that level for two months and then began a decline over the next three months to zero. We don't know what caused the blip. I had a very bad fall in the week after I came home from the SCT. Some people…[Read more]
Eva replied to the topic I'M HOME in the forum Treatment 14 years, 2 months ago
Dear Shirley,
Wishing you a speedy recovery,
Eva replied to the topic First report post SCT in the forum General 14 years, 2 months ago
Dear David,
By the way, I'm hopeless on a bicycle! I only learned to cycle when I was in my thirties. Today was the first day when I tried to run again after the cold spell. I'm in the north of Scotland and I ran on a country path. I managed to find a track that wasn't iced over! Hope you and your wife have a great time on the cycles.
Eva replied to the topic Remission and risk of infections in the forum General 14 years, 2 months ago
Ron I agree about the migraines. I've taken some aspirin while not on any myeloma treatment and I've found that if taken very early on in a migraine attack, it can be surprisingly effective.
Eva replied to the topic Remission and risk of infections in the forum General 14 years, 2 months ago
You'd have to ask the original physician.
Aspirin has been in the news a lot. There are suggestions that it might lower the incidence of certain cancers. You could google that.
If you want a speculative comment about why someone might be told to avoid aspirin: well, it might be linked to the blood thinning properties of aspirin. This…[Read more]
Eva replied to the topic Relapse official in the forum General 14 years, 2 months ago
Dear Keith,
I seem to be in a simliar position to you. I haven't had a bone marrow test yet for absolute confirmation. Remember that for many of us this will be a journey( and sometimes a long one) rather than an event.
Thinking of you,
Eva replied to the topic Info re Velcade in the forum Treatment 14 years, 2 months ago
Dear Gill,
I haven't had any Velcade yet though I may need to do so soon. My comments are only based on my reading of various trials here and overseas and of other peoples' blogs.
One of the things that interests me is that Velcade is just beginning to be administered subcutaneously( under the skin, injections), instead of via IV. One trial…[Read more]
Eva replied to the topic New member in the forum Newcomers 14 years, 2 months ago
Dear Ron,
A book you might find useful is 'Journey beyond Diagnosis' by Greg Pacini. You can order it via Amazon.
Eva replied to the topic New member in the forum Newcomers 14 years, 2 months ago
Dear Ron,
I hope your wife gets the appropriate meds for the nausea. Until this happens, she's going to feel very anxious as she will feel out of sorts all the time. A diagnosis of cancer is always a shock. One of the things that each person has to decide is what their relationship is going to be with knowledge about their illness. Some people…[Read more]
Eva replied to the topic Dealing with difficult doctors in the forum Newcomers 14 years, 2 months ago
By the way, my number is 0186283 2148.
Eva replied to the topic Dealing with difficult doctors in the forum Newcomers 14 years, 2 months ago
Hi Jonny,
This is Eva. I live in Scotland and was diagnosed two and a half years ago. I've been on a very interesting journey with haematologists. I would prefer to have a dialogue with you about this. I would be prepared to talk on the phone and call you back as I have free phone calls. Otherwise, my email is evayouren@lineone.net.
Best…[Read more]
Eva replied to the topic Catch Up in the forum General 14 years, 2 months ago
Dear Bridget,
Just a short note to let you know I'm thinking of you. Sometimes Velcade doesn't work on its own but is ok with combinations of other drugs. I can see that it would seem wise to try Revlimid, but I imagine you might be able to come back to Velcade with something else or to try drugs that are in the same family as Velcade in the…[Read more]