Gaye started the topic The Blessed Dex!. in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
It never occurred to me about the terrors that Dex must hold for people such as Debs who have yet to experience its little quirks but her recent posting gave me some idea. Debs, we can't take away its side effects but I would like to offer a new word to describe it.
Kevin started the Dex Devotee Club of which I am a proud member, Gill has used…[Read more]
Gaye started the topic Knock knock ………… in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
Min suggested that we have a Knock, knock catgegory for jokes and other non myeloma related issues. Well I would like to start it off with something I read yesterday about a Countdown programme this week, where all the 9 letters were used by one of the contestants but not in the way the producers would have wished for.
The letters were (and…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Discussion forum categories… in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
Yes I totally agree with Min's suggestion. We have quite a few wags on this website and it would be good to have a totally non myeloma section. We all have lives as well as myeloma, so I am all for it.
Best wishes, Gaye8-)
Gaye replied to the topic Bonfire night in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
Dear Lee – it was a wonderful display but when the first crash came I nearly fell out of my seat! But the stealer of the show for me was little Amy, not only for her lovely words about Grandma but also for her accompanying dialogue to the show – pure joy!
Thanks Lee.
Gaye x
Gaye replied to the topic Starting CTD in 2 weeks in the forum Under 50s 14 years, 4 months ago
Hello Debs – I'm not sure if I should be here as I am way over 50 but just wanted to say good luck for the start of your treatment. I only had a year of smouldering and then the b****r needed treatment. I have not had CTD so can't answer your questions but I do hope that it treats you kindly. As for the dex,:-S well I'm afraid it has to be…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Mum back in hospital after a nice holiday in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
Hello Michelle – sorry to hear Mum has pneumonia and I do hope that they can sort her out very quickly – let's hope as quickly as Bridget. How typical – I don't want to spoil the holiday. Yes, she probably is stubborn but sounds like a fighter as well.
Please wish her well quickly so that she can start on her next treatment.
Gaye x
Gaye replied to the topic Legit! in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
Yes, we all seem to like it on here so the more the merrier and now you can see us in all our glory. Glad that you could join us at last!
Gaye x
Gaye replied to the topic KCH here we come in the forum Treatment 14 years, 4 months ago
Dear Sarah – Like David I wish both you and Gordon all the very best as he goes for his second SCT. I think I was more anxious about my second SCT because having gone through one I somehow knew what to expect but thankfully all was well. I am sure it will be for Gordon too.
Will be thinking of Gordon in hospital and you going mad with the…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Test prior to SCT in the forum Treatment 14 years, 4 months ago
Don't think you can get away with not having the tests David – there have to be some perks in having a SCT! Yes, like Sharon, mine varied from yours but it probably depends on the type of myeloma that we have. It's all becoming a reality now and you know we will be here to spur you on in the same way that you do for others.
Love, Gaye x
Gaye replied to the topic NICE in the forum Treatment 14 years, 4 months ago
Good point Bridget about who decides. With the GPs supposed to be taking over all the cash I have misgivings about their generosity when you think of some GPs. BUT, they will be medical rather than lay people who currently decide so hopefully it will be better. Only time will tell but to give NICE its marching orders is everything it deserves.…[Read more]
Gaye started the topic NICE. in the forum Treatment 14 years, 4 months ago
I saw on Breakfast this morning that NICE is to be stripped of its powers to decide who can and cannot have new drugs on the NHS. Sadly it won't happen until 2014 but the decision has been made. For all of us who fought for Velcade and Revlimid to become available and with new therapies coming on stream this has to be the news we have waited…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Our Photo's in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
Hi Tom – at last a close-up of the now infamous socks and crocs. They are stunning and I really can't imagine why your kids are so worried about you …….! The photo of grandad and grandson is lovely but what's with the Spanish football shirts? Has Wayne Rooney upset you!
Lee – your photo of the droplet is terrific. I can understand why…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Michael suffers with this in the forum Side-effects 14 years, 4 months ago
Dear Min – I also have PN after Velcade but as to preventing it, I am not sure if there is anything out there that could help. However, I have had Velcade twice and I have noticed a pattern as to when mine started.
On my clinical trial 6 years ago I had 4 cycles of Velcade at full strength and had no PN at all. On my second course this year I…[Read more]
Gaye started the topic Friends. in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
Hi Lee – just read your thread about accessing Friends on here. If you click on to your name right at the top it should bring you to your profile and on the right hand side should be 4 headings, 2 of which are Friends and Messages. I think you have to invite someone to be your friend and then away you go.
Well, that's the theory anyway! It…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Access to Pomalidomide and Bendamustine in the forum Treatment 14 years, 4 months ago
Dear Bridget – Just thinking about your title and my hospital experience on Thursday with A & E at my local hospital. I was in and out in about 2 hours. Everybody was very helpful – no sooner in X-ray department when I was called and then I saw the doctor who was polite and caring. We all too often hear the moans and groans about the NHS but…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Our Photo's in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
Dear Bella – It looks like the ladybirds are gathering for their Annual General Meeting! Amazing to see so many together. Is it me again or does anyone else feel a bit itchy ……….. ?!
Thanks for posting a very unusual photo.
Gaye xx
Gaye replied to the topic Access to Pomalidomide and Bendamustine in the forum Treatment 14 years, 4 months ago
Thanks Bridget for your kind words – whether you are on dex come-down days or not you are always there for us so blow eloquence! I decided to make yesterday a hospital day but not intentionally. After having my blood test in the morning I then twisted my left ankle getting up from the settee and yes, back again, this time in A & E. It came up…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Our Photo's in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
What a wonderful photo – just the right image to see first thing on a dreary and cloudy October morning. Thank you Lee. Bridget you did make me laugh about a photograph of your estate but beauty, so they say, is in the eyes of the beholder!
Love, Gaye xx
Gaye replied to the topic Is it me? in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
Thanks to both Donalb and Stuart for the advice. I did not understand the use off threaded and flat but do now. I shall know what to do in future.
Gaye started the topic Is it me?. in the forum General 14 years, 4 months ago
Earlier on Lee talked about the old website always getting smaller as the threads continued until it is almost disappearing off the page. Under my thread in Access to Treatment it seems to be doing exactly the same. Argh! Any reason for this Andy and Stuart?!