
  • Gaye replied to the topic Pomalidomide in the forum General 14 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks David and Bridget. I will keep you up to date. David, Pomalidomide is a derivative of Revlimid (Lenalidomide) and is taken orally along with dex. Although it is in use in America it has still to receive its licence in Europe but I think third stage trials are going on soon so hopefully it will be available in the not too distant future.…[Read more]

  • Gaye started the topic Pomalidomide. in the forum General 14 years, 2 months ago

    Hello to you all and whilst I haven't been posting I have been reading most of the posts and keeping up to date with you all.

    I have had a difficult few weeks and like many of you am in a great deal of pain in my back. I had almost forgotten how awful this pain is but I certainly remember now! Like some of you I am having an MRI and then RT…[Read more]

  • Gaye replied to the topic Pain that moves about in the forum General 14 years, 2 months ago

    Dear Keith – yes I have experienced that before and am now. My main pain was in my lower back and now it is in the left ribs. Also my back just aches most of the time. Apart from that I am fine ……………….!

    I'm down to have some RT wich I imagine you will too Keith. Oh happy days!

    Good luck with your tests and hope you have a…[Read more]

  • Gaye replied to the topic Do you forget? in the forum Carers 14 years, 2 months ago

    Dear Jayne – I too am a patient at Barts and it's likely that we have been at the same clinics but not known it! They have a very good day unit which will certainly be open tomorrow morning as well as a myeloma nurse specialist who you can contact. Failing that go to your consultant's secretary and request an earlier appointment. I have had…[Read more]

  • Gaye replied to the topic Do you forget? in the forum Carers 14 years, 2 months ago

    Dear Jayne – you are very welcome to this website and although I am a patient and not a carer, you will find invaluable advice from those who know all those feelings you described. I think one of the best things you can do initially is to contact Macmillan and find out about financial assistance (and other services they can offer) – it can be a…[Read more]

  • Wonderful news Mari! Go, go, go!
    Love, Gaye xx

  • Dear Amelie – well we are certainly learning a lot about you and what a great way of raising awareness of myeloma as well as giving pleasure with your music. I wish you good luck!

    I was very interested with the comment that Denmark is far behind other European countries in diagnosing cancers other than, say, breast cancer. We are often told…[Read more]

  • Happy Christmas Shirley – you are on your way and that is great. It won't be long before you are back home and looking forward to the future. Keep going girl!
    Love, Gaye xx

  • Gaye replied to the topic Teeth in the forum Side-effects 14 years, 2 months ago

    Dear David – Happy Christmas to you. I can't remember having any tooth problems after transplant so I can't help you but there is bound to be someone on here who has. It may just be waiting for nature to take its course as your taste comes back. I hope you can find an answer.

    Love, Gaye x

  • I am so sorry to hear your very sad news Roz. I hope that Michael is now at peace and that you will have the strength and love of people around you to help you through this very sad time.

    Best wishes, Gaye x

  • Amelie – I don't know about a simple blood test to detect MM but my own GP first became suspicious of mine through an unrelated routine blood test for possible thyroid problems. He obviously was not happy with the result and suspected myeloma. A second blood test was taken and shortly after MM was confirmed by the hospital. I had no symptoms of…[Read more]

  • Dear Sharon – this is why myeloma and where it breaks out never ceases to amaze me. Yes, it truly is a bummer in every sense of the word. I know what you mean about the children and it being their time. So, I have hope are not getting too much discomfort from your plasmacytoma and enjoy your Christmas.
    Love, Gaye x

  • Gaye started the topic Christmas. in the forum General 14 years, 2 months ago

    Dear Friends – We are coming to a time where Christmas means different things to so many and I dare say that we in myelona land have our feelings too. When I look back on this board over the year we have had wonderful postings, sad postings and our thoughts go to people like Amanda and others who sadly lost their battles.

    What I think has…[Read more]

  • Sharon – I do agree with Bridget about your news being a complete bummer but whatever your consultant feels about future treatment, I know he will have your very best interest at heart. We will be here supporting you.

    My plasmacytomas grow on my head so I always know when activity is increasing before the docs do!

    Do have an enjoyable and…[Read more]

  • Gaye replied to the topic 2nd sct any ideas? in the forum Treatment 14 years, 2 months ago

    Dear Sarah – I have had two SCTs and the second one was harder to recover from. In my case it was Hb levels but they never came back to 'normal' levels and I have been on blood transfusions ever since. So he is not alone and let's hope that all the counts will start to rise sooner or later. Remember the treatment is not so powerful as the first…[Read more]

  • Gaye replied to the topic Catch Up in the forum General 14 years, 2 months ago

    Dear Bridget – I tried to write about 2 hours ago and my posting was refused due to unacceptable language or something or other. I tried like mad to see what the offending piece was and could not, no swearing, nuffink! The only thing that must have offended the machinery could be to keep the old pec**r up. We'll see if it takes this…[Read more]

  • Thanks guys and gals for what seems like a faster system after all our moans about how slow it was. Unless I am imagining it I am certainly not dozing off waiting for it to load so something must have changed! If it has WELL DONE AND THANKS!

    Best wishes, Gaye

  • Gaye replied to the topic Digital Christmas in the forum Off topic 14 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks Min – a very different take on the nativity but I really like it!

    Love, Gaye xx

  • Gaye replied to the topic A real cule yule. in the forum Off topic 14 years, 2 months ago

    Like Min I cannot access this file – bum!

    Gaye x

  • Gaye replied to the topic Swine flu Jab in the forum Treatment 14 years, 2 months ago

    David – I am so glad you are back home and enjoying all the things that we so take for granted until they are taken away from us. First mission now accomplished.

    As for your flu/swine flu injections I really do not know the answer and your consultant is the best person to guide you. I hope he is able to help you.

    Good to have you back -…[Read more]

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