Gaye replied to the topic Catch Up in the forum General 14 years, 2 months ago
Dear Bridget – thank you for letting us know your news as I was getting concerned that Brocho was strangely silent for the last few days. I am so sorry about the infection but shattered for you regarding the Velcade. As you say you need some time to take it all in and by not having any treatment right now will hopefully give you some space to…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Help with memory please in the forum Treatment 14 years, 3 months ago
Gill – RT is certainly no walk in the park but I can't remember experiencing the side effects you mention. I imagine much depends on where they are targeting with the RT but it all sounds very unpleasant and Stephen shouldn't have to experience this. I know you have a tough one in Stephen but I think this is where your nagging powers must come…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Some good news in the forum General 14 years, 3 months ago
Well done everyone. Yes it is good to hear some positive news when it is about so do enjoy it. I hope this second blast of winter isn't go to be as long and awful as the last one. I for one am not dreaming of a white Christmas. Just a boring old cloudy one will do!
Have a good weekend.
Love, Gaye xx
Gaye replied to the topic Rant over Bank in the forum Off topic 14 years, 3 months ago
Gill, this almost renders me speechless. And who is the person who has the job of confirming that Stephen will be dead by next December – his consultant, GP etc? Who would be able to at this stage because he is only at his first relapse? Have you made any decision or are you still in a state of shock and anger. The pox to HSBC.
I have been…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Happy News! in the forum Off topic 14 years, 3 months ago
Thank you all for your lovely replies. Yes, she is a very special girl to me and puts me to shame in that she speaks 3 languages including English. The children in Kenya now have free, compulsory primary education but secondary education is not compulsory yet and therefore has to be paid for. The children love going to school because they so…[Read more]
Gaye started the topic Happy News!. in the forum Off topic 14 years, 3 months ago
No, I haven't just given birth at 65 nor anything like that, but when living with myeloma we all go through difficult times and mine recently has been and still is a bit like that. I have just opened my post and found a letter from HM Inland Revenue and my usual letter, card, photo and school report from a child I sponsor in Kenya. Horrified…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Femoral Nail in the forum Treatment 14 years, 3 months ago
Dear Pamela – no I have never heard of this procedure before although my great newphew who is 14 has been having operations on his leg since he was 6 and he has had many screws and other metals in his time. I feel sure that your femeral nail will be a better option than the near certainty of your leg breaking in the future. Myeloma never fails…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic BAH HUMBUG!!!! in the forum Off topic 14 years, 3 months ago
Firstly Bridget I am sorry to hear you have been feeling grotty and hope that the cold has stayed precisely that and nothing worse. A prostrate husband on the settee sounds interesting but I alays laugh at this word, because I have heard so many people refer to prostrate cancer rather than prostate and I can rarely keep a straight face – aren't I…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Skeletal Update in the forum General 14 years, 3 months ago
Absolute b****r Keith. I was hoping to hear from you but not necessarily with this news. I can't imagine how the pain must be feeling but you give a very good description! I never know whether or not a lytic lesion and a plasmacytoma are one of the same thing. Well I know you will let us know more when you know yourself. In the meantime, as…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Revlimid Maintenance Therapy in the forum Treatment 14 years, 3 months ago
Dear Amelie
If you look at the News section of this website you will see information coming from ASH in America after their recent conference in Florida. It will also tell you that Velcade has been found not to increase the length of remission after SCT. It does not mention Revlimid.
Here in the UK Revlimid is not approved for use as first…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Heating Bills in the forum Off topic 14 years, 3 months ago
No, no Dai – you can't just pee in your garden over your chilblains/PN – what WOULD the neighbours think! No, for total effectiveness, you must pee in a pot and then put your foot in the said pot covering the offending area. I have no idea how long you keep foot submerged (may be a day or two) – you need to try it out and then let us know. So,…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Start fludarabine tomorrow in the forum Treatment 14 years, 3 months ago
Good luck to you Shirley and I hope that all goes well for you. You know we will all be supporting you and I am so glad that you have celebrated your Christmas today. Now, as young Tom always says "it is onwards and upwards". Such a wise man!
Love, Gaye xx
Gaye replied to the topic Heating Bills in the forum Off topic 14 years, 3 months ago
Couldn't agree with you more Bridget. I seem to remember that chilblains were supposed to respond by sticking your toes into some pee (you own preferably) but as I never fancied that I just suffered the chilblains like you – hearty souls we were! Didn't ever let Dad's long johns go up in smoke but the newspaper we put around the fire to draw it…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic disaster holiday in the forum Off topic 14 years, 3 months ago
Dear Jeam
Welcome home Jean and I am glad that Frank is feeling much better. Trouble is with myeloma you can never take anything for granted except infections and they should always be treated with care. I laughed when you said that Frank was a law unto himself and a part of me really admires him for that. It's a bit like 'don't let the…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Any Hints in the forum Under 50s 14 years, 3 months ago
Hello Paul – I have just noticed that Claire (Scotty) Scott has a post on here called Joining In. If you post on there hopefully you will get a reply. Failing that telephone Ellen at Myeloma UK.
Best wishes, Gaye
Gaye replied to the topic Anyone know anything about History/music or owt because I in the forum Treatment 14 years, 3 months ago
Tom – I would say you are doing very well – if I had counts like these I would be over the moon. Your paraproteins look good and all the others look in good shape too. By my reckoning you are doing well and long may you do so young Tom. I truly think it was the red wine and cucumbers during the summer that did it! When were you diagnosed Tom…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic disaster holiday in the forum Off topic 14 years, 3 months ago
Dear Jean – just create the image of being back in your own lovely warm home, with the usual nice cup of tea (why do we always say 'let's have a nice cup of tea?)and start the healing process.
When I asked the question of a possible long journey afterwards I had a feeling that, with your surname, it could well be Northern Ireland and it seems…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic In lieu of a card in the forum Off topic 14 years, 3 months ago
Thank you Dai – I have just been for one of my countless blood tests, then off to Hadleigh Castle for a coffee and the view here in Essex where the Olympic 2012 mountain bike event is being held. It overlooks the Thames Estuary, it is sunny, still snowy with bright blue sky. I have just listened to your 'card' to us all – thank you. It is…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Any Hints in the forum Under 50s 14 years, 3 months ago
Hello Paul -sorry to hear you have been diagnosed at such a young age. There is an under-50's group run by Claire (Scotty) Scott which is separate from this discussion group. Trouble is I don't have her email address to give to you but hopefully there are others on here who do. Failing that I am sure Ellen at Myeloma UK will have it so contact…[Read more]
Gaye replied to the topic Not so good today in the forum Treatment 14 years, 3 months ago
Dear Sharon – I am so sorry to hear your news. As yet you don't know if it has come back and that's perhaps the hard part – the not knowing. I can only say that I shall be thinking of you through this difficult time and hope for good rather than any unwanted news.
We seem to be going through a rough patch on the discussion board with our…[Read more]