
  • Janet replied to the topic Dry and Brittle Fingernails in the forum General 9 years ago

    Hi Annette,

    My nails are very short now. I can remember when I had my daughter that my mum told me to cut my nails because I might scratch her, I don’t think I did cut them and I am sure I didn’t scratch her either.

    The  medication I am on is a bone strengthening drug called Zoledronic , bladder control drug called Solifenacin and I am taking T…[Read more]

  • Janet started the topic Dry and Brittle Fingernails in the forum General 9 years ago

    Hi All,

    My fingernails were always nice and long but for the past few months they have gone very dry and brittle and flaky as well. I will mention it  to my consultant when I see her next month. Any thoughts about my little problem. I should also say that my teeth are not very good either, I don’t mind false nails but false teeth is another…[Read more]