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  • #96753


    OK, coming up against Scotland in a picture comp was always going to be a second place only,for me wasn't it? I do concede that probably mostof you've had more snow than me this week. But it still hit -5 last night!!

    Stay in and keep warm!



    Thank you Gayle.



    Thanks for all your usual support, it means a lot me too!

    You win a battle but the fight goes on and I'm seeing 'my man' again next Wednesday with my usual and annual Xmas question for him (can I have a glass of champagne on Xmas Day please?). Hopefully, he'll say yes!



    Hello John

    GCSF (or Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor) injections are used by patients, including me, to boost white cell production in the blood when their production has been affected by Revlimid, which lowers the neutrophil count. In my case, my normal neutrophil count is around 3.0. When I resumed Revlimid, my count went down to to 0.2.

    A level of 0.5 is considered to be neutropaenic and that's when you end up in hospital in isolation etc.

    It's worth bearing in mind that there have been a number of previous forum posts on this subject concerning the back throbbing pain that these injections can cause. If you do have to go onto them, I would strongly suggest pain control with your Consultant.


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