OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic Sad news in the forum Under 50s 12 years, 4 months ago
I just wanted to say thanks again for all your kind words. I have been looking regularly at this discussion forum and it warms my heart to know that Paul was thought of so highly by so many people. Thanks especially to Steve: you will be pleased to know that on the day Paul was admitted to hospital this last time we'd been out for a 5 mile walk…[Read more]
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic Sad news in the forum Under 50s 12 years, 5 months ago
Thank you so much to everyone for your kind comments. It is warming to know that Paul was in touch with so many people and offered support to so many of you. That was Paul – always helpful and always on the look out for who needed rescuing. He was 'Our hero' to me and Chloe, the foster child we look after every few weeks.
With love to all of you.…[Read more]
OutdoorsPaul started the topic Sad news. in the forum Under 50s 12 years, 5 months ago
I am really sorry to have to share the news with you all that my 'Outdoors Paul' died suddenly yesterday. He had his autograft in July and seemed to be recovering well. Then he had a high temperature a couple of weeks ago and had to be admitted to hospital. The doctors struggled to control the temperature with antibiotics and we found out on…[Read more]
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic Remission in the forum General 12 years, 5 months ago
Great news,its time to let your hair down abit;-)
cheers Paul
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic Seriously concerned in the forum Carers 12 years, 6 months ago
Hello Gail
I am so sorry to hear of Howards passing,your not alone we are all here for you…If you need to talk just log on and tell us,someone will respond!
You look after yourself
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic Stephen has gone in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi Gill
So sorry to hear about Stephens passing,if you want to talk we are all here for you.
Big hug PaulXX
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic Constipation!!! in the forum Side-effects 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi Mavis
I have had similar "experiences" when in hospital (its the food and less mobility),when discharged I tend to eat prunes in my cereal with some all bran,fresh coffee in a morning,lots of fresh green vegetables and have tried the senna capsules.Always works after a few days.
I agree with Rose about the pain killers check with the…[Read more]
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic You Are My Bower in the forum Off topic 12 years, 6 months ago
A wonderful poem and so soothing to the soul,thanks for sharing it with us all.
cheers Paul
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic No really – this is good news in the forum Off topic 12 years, 6 months ago
What great news!! i am so glad that treatment is lined up for you as well.Thats made my day:-)
cheers Paul
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic It's all starting! in the forum Treatment 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi Tina
Good to hear its all underway,keep us all posted.
cheers Paul
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic Hello again to all in the forum Treatment 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi jacqui
I to have Lightchain Myeloma and have been told a similar things to you,I to would go for the clinical trial.I am due for a "allo-graph" in December and also been offered a clinical trial for that.
take care Paul
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic 12 months since my stem cell transplant in the forum General 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi Wendy
Happy 1st Anniversary Immune system! enjoy the sunshine Wendy.
cheers paul
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic Paraprotein news in the forum General 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi Andy
Stick with it mate because it has taken me 3 different sorts of treatment in 12 months to get me to and through the SCT.They will get you to a point where you are ready for SCT.
Enjoy the lakes and maybe a Guinness or two?
cheers paul
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic Good News in the forum General 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi Eve & Slim
Fantastic news! I bet a large weight has been lifted from both your shoulders.I hope you both have a fantastic holiday:-) 🙂
cheers Paul
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic Stem cell transplant in the forum Carers 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi Cathy
I had my SCT 30 days ago so still very fresh in mind.Your husband is in isolation(a single room) which is hard,nursing staff will be in checking but also keeping contact to a minimum.Try to see this as a good thing as it will help to keep infections brought in to a minimum in my opinion.My appetite took a noise dive after the…[Read more]
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic Radiotherapy in the forum Treatment 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi Gill
I had radiotherapy to neck/spine area when first diagnosed,this came up looking like bad sunburn.Nursing staff did fore worn me and gave me some cream for it.It went fairly quickly but has left me with a brownish patch on my throat area (looks like a permanent tan!).
take care paul
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic And the GOOD news is in the forum Off topic 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi David
Sorry to hear the recent news,you are such a strong person and have lots of character!;-) .Its time to deep deep again and Vasbyte my friend.
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic Not Looking Good in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi Gill & Stephen
So sorry to hear about Stephens on going problems,just to say that I am sending lots of positive thoughts to the both of you.Take care with all the driving Gill.
love PaulX
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic Dad's SCT in the forum Treatment 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi Chloe
My consultant began the process of looking for a match once we knew that this was the route i was to travel.I dont know how long it took really but it did not seem that long,sorry could not be more exact.
take care Paul
OutdoorsPaul replied to the topic Dad's SCT in the forum Treatment 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi Chloe
By meaning "mini SCT" and looking for a match I presume your dad is having what is called an Allo graph transplant.I am going forward for my allo graph within the next 6 months and an excellent match has been found for me.You should get an apt with the consultant heading the team to discuss the procedure and answer questions.My…[Read more]