
  • PeterJames replied to the topic New in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Ann
    I had 6 x 3 week cycles of CDT
    This caused me little or no problems , loved the steroids , great energy boosters, the one down day after them was worth it
    I finished CDT mid Nov ,but as I didn't want my SCT until after Christmas plus my wife Carole had one of those birthdays with a zero, so had some thalidomide to keep the little b— r…[Read more]

  • PeterJames replied to the topic New in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Anne
    I was fit as the proverbial butchers dog in May last year , non related blood test said otherwise , lo & behold I had MM
    Luckily found very early
    Beginning July started CTD , had no problems , then SCT this Jan , now in full remission
    Back on zometa in a few weeks
    Wil you be having an SCT
    All the best

  • PeterJames replied to the topic New in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi David
    Cheeky young man ! NBC
    71 this June , although when my beard dropped off ,I was told I looked 10 years younger , so the family voted on or off , they lost its growing again
    I think I am a long way off being the oldest member , could be one of the other Peters
    All the best
    PS : 10th June , presents & cards much appreciated

  • PeterJames replied to the topic New in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Vicki & Colin
    Wish you two would stop showing off how fit & adventurous you are
    For us a mile or two stroll along Blackpool prom !
    Mind you I galloped through all the treatment ,tough old boot after all
    So there !

  • Hi Tom
    After all the posts re the SCT, as you stand on the edge of the cliff , it comes down to a personnel decision
    My advice would be to grit your teeth & go for it
    I came out of hospital on 1st Feb this year after sixteen days
    We all have a bad few days & some time is needed for a full recovery, I still have some loss of taste , dry'ish…[Read more]

  • PeterJames replied to the topic newly diagnosed in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Maria
    I went through the CDT route , completed last Nov, stem cells harvested in Dec
    Had some more thalidomide to keep the beast at bay. then SCT mid Jan, out in 16 days, bloods recovered quickly, been out of hospital 2/12 months ago, still bit tired , sense of taste not 100%, but getting on with life , work , family etc
    You do not say what…[Read more]

  • PeterJames replied to the topic Full Remission in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Tom
    Major step forward this evening , nearly as earth shattering as being told in remission
    Don't tell anyone else but I had a glass of alcoholic white wine with my meal
    Normally red is my poison but not ready for that as yet
    Ain't life good !
    Keep O & upping

  • PeterJames replied to the topic Full Remission in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Eve
    I am a very happy bunny, but feel a bit of a fraud when reading the posts of others who have or are suffering a hell of a lot more than i ever did
    My appetite is quite good , some things I can taste nicely , eg not too spicy curry, hooked on chicken noodle soup , but I think that is still legal
    Mouth still fairly dry which does not help…[Read more]

  • Hi Rebecca
    Seems to be the luck of the draw , lots of people well under 50 have posted on this site , the oldest I remember being 87
    An early diagnosis is the best , but unless you have a blood test every three months , very difficult or in my case a routine unconnected blood test found my MM very early on, I had no idea I had a problem , no…[Read more]

  • PeterJames replied to the topic Myeloma XL trial in the forum General 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi San
    I was kicked out of Christie Manchester on 1st Feb , having gone though all the poison warfare very well
    Three weeks ago to I was told i was now remission , not a trace of the hated pp
    Still a very happy bunny
    Tell your mum to stick at it , don't mind me asking her age & where being treated

  • Hi Colin & Vicki
    Today's e mailed myeloma news has an article on Revlamid as a maintenance drug
    The opinion in the report from trials is it does extend remission
    My specialist was of the view , you have done very well , leave it be , but I am going to show him the report on next visit
    Hope that helps
    PS : now turning into a greedy pig…

  • PeterJames replied to the topic Myeloma XL trial in the forum General 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi San
    I was on the CDT chemo . 6 x 3 week cycles , prior to SCT this jan.
    I had four days twice in each three week cycle of the steroid Dex , that is the " D" your mum is on, I took 40 mg/ day
    To be honest I loved the effects of steroids when on them for the four days , gave me big energy surge, wife said I became Rambo with attitude
    But the…[Read more]

  • Hi Dai
    Since my MM diagnosis last may , I have been treated at two hospitals , the last being the Christie, Manchester
    In both cases the standard of treatment from the lowest to highest in the chain of command was nothing less than superb, nothing by the nurses was too much trouble . The night after my killer chemo dose I was not very well ,…[Read more]

  • PeterJames replied to the topic Full Remission in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago

    Hi John
    How did your result go ?

  • Hi Trish
    Strangely enough I was at the Christie today & asked the question , had CDT / SCT taken away the immunity from childhood type diseases ! chickenpox etc
    He said all the innoculations would have to be done again one year after my SCT& would be writing to my Doc re this point
    Also the flue jab I had last Oct had also been wiped out
    So…[Read more]

  • Hi Ann & Pete
    My taste buds are a long way off being perfect , been home six weeks this Fri , also mouth still fairly dry
    Specialist says this lot will come back in time ,
    Hair on chin & moustache started growing about ten days ago , not much sign on top but I didn't loose that much
    At least it's growing back white , wondered with all the…[Read more]

  • Hello all
    Christie specialist called today with my blood test results
    Told me no sign of pp , I am in full remission
    Despite cough & cold spent a very happy day
    Would have had a glass of champers , but alcohol tastes disgusting !

  • Hello
    I received an e mail from the International Myeloma Association ( the USA MM )
    You can get on their web site to request regular bulletins
    They have set up in 2012 a completely new research to find a complete cure for MM
    This is now up & running with research from the USA & Europe
    Clinical trials to start this year
    This is more than…[Read more]

  • Hi Ner
    I was diagnosed with MM late last May
    I had no symptoms at all & was diagnosed @ an early stage from an unrelated blood test , so I was more than very lucky
    My pp at the start was 42
    I had 6 x 3 week cycles of CTD , had little or no trouble with this
    Then referred to Chistie for my SCT on .17th Jan , my pp at this point was 3.8 & my…[Read more]

  • Hi Sarah Jane
    Re injections , pinch an inch & slowly plunge needle in , do not hesitate, after 2/3 goes you will be able to do it blindfold
    Virtually painless , sometimes you might hit someting & get very small amount of blood , sometimes a little bruising
    Either way nothing to worry about !
    Stem cell harcvest totally painless , don't drink…[Read more]

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