PeterJames replied to the topic Pete's SCT – Done – now the recovery!!! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Anne & Pete
I have been home five weeks this Fri
Had SCT on 17th Jan the year & rapidly descended into that uncomfortable place for 10/12 days
Soon got mouth ulcers & blistered lips , but escaped the worst by using saline mouth wash & drank loads of tea, I'm not a tea drinker just couldn't look at coffee, also went off solid food from day…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic sct looming but pp plateau at 14 in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Tom
I am on Facebook , courtesy of middle granddaughter , don't really use it, but if she is round tomorrow we will crank it up & put a pic on
My proper name is peter Stevenson , but that name was taken when I signed up on this site , James being my middle name
Watch my Facebook space !
Don't bother being good , that's boring , just off…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic sct looming but pp plateau at 14 in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Chris & anyone else up & about !
Just has a report from my Christie specialist
My last pp Assessment said i was in a " good remission " which is not a complete remission
The last blood test will reveal if I have achieved the magic three words
This test is known as an electrophoresis
Checked web & this seems to be something to do with DNA…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic sct looming but pp plateau at 14 in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Chris
For some reason your post chops off what your pp was after 2 months !
PeterJames replied to the topic sct looming but pp plateau at 14 in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Tom
You have to remember that on our side of the hill we are very sneaky
15 stone ok , unless you are 4-6" tall !
The wine & chocs were taken several hours apart !
Going to rub grow more into beard to encourage growth
Very cold on top without much hair this weather
Outside today @ -3 c plus windchill I think spring is a long way…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic Franks SCT take 2 in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Dai
I only escaped from Christie five weeks ago so memories are still very clear
You are right re the NR contract
Pre SCT , after all the tests , the consultant went over all the pros & cons, passed me the first of several consent forms to sign
The small print at the bottom said we can also kill you as we'll as cure you
I said if he killed…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic sct looming but pp plateau at 14 in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Tom
My progress maintained, last weekend tandoori mixed grill, ate the lot
This weekend wine & chocolate , major progress , although sense of taste & dry mouth still not back to normal
Although I put on lots of weight , got to 112 kg, but did not lose anything like I expected , back on diet
Had a peek at your Facebook , you look quite thin…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic sct looming but pp plateau at 14 in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Chris
Did you attend Christie as private or NHS patient ?
I would have thought Christie should have done a blood test after approx five weeks to see where your pp was at
What was it pre SCT , did they say you were in remission or good partial remission ?
Your last posting misses off what your pp is now
We have avoided smaller crowded…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic sct looming but pp plateau at 14 in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Chris
Now five weeks since my escape from Christie
Virtually back to normal apart from slight cough & still some loss off taste , specialist says this will take a few more weeks to come back
So I have resumed my domestic duties & back working part time, off to York next week for two day conference which will be nice
Reading other posts I…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic Garry's SCT journey in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Vicki & Colin
Super human , thanks , I like that , told wife , she collapsed in hysterical laughter !
I'm not super fast , more slow & steady , tortoise & hare job
Consultant calls me a tough old boot , wife just calls me, actually would never have got this far without her pushing me on
Reading lots of other posts I realise I have been…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic Franks SCT take 2 in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Jean & Frank
I had my SCT on 16 th Jan this year
The dose of maphalan, I called the killer chemo , should wipe out your cells in less than 24 hours , ready for the SCT
I was not in a very happy place for about 10 days , then they announced I was at point zero ie ,neutropenic
Soon got mouth ulcers & blistered lip , but they gave me saline…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic Garry's SCT journey in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Helen , Garry & Louise
Can't help re the cat only to say many years ago my sister had a cat with leukaemia , so they can get human type diseases
Re Garry's SCT I had mine done on 16th jan this year, in hospital 16 days
The first ten days were not much fun
Went off solid food & coffee from day one
With mouth ulcers & a very dry mouth I…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic Trying to tell us something? in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Vicki & Colin
Fri was one month since I escaped from the Christie , at least I wasn't bed blocking, more bed messing !
Must admit I got a flying start , within two days of my neuts making a welcome return they were up to 3.8
On first review after one week all bloods / bone marrow were nearly back to normal , fully ok after two weeks
Ten…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic Pete's SCT – Done – now the recovery!!! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Ann
I had my SCT on 17th Jan , then spent a not very happy 10 days, went off solid food , lived on soup , ice cream & yogurt
I found drinking tea was a great help for my mouth, was a total non tea drinker !
Also developed a bad dry cough & very stiff neck from being propped up on the lovely soft hospital bed
Started to loose hair , then…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic Three little words…… in the forum General 12 years ago
Hi Vicky & Colin
Very well done re the really good news
The three little words we would all give our eye teeth to hear
I hope you have no more bad news for many years
All the very best
PeterJames replied to the topic sct looming but pp plateau at 14 in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Chris
Forgot to ask you or anyone else who can help
I still have a fairly dry mouth , little or no sense of taste so eating solid food not easy
Small amounts possible , my wife tempting me with all sorts with varying degrees of success
How long did your taste / appetite take to return
I used to have a more than healthy appetite , would…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic sct looming but pp plateau at 14 in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Chris
Had my second review yesterday, now two weeks post demob
Bloods all back to normal , further test in two weeks to check where I am remission wise
Slowly getting back on solid food , mouth ok , but little or no sense of taste,
They are trying to cure my nasty dry hacking cough , which I have now had for some weeks
Hair loss was…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic CTD Dosage in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Tom
Did my 16 days at the Christie nothing but the highest praise for all the nurses & my specialist
Been home two weeks , bloods all back to normal , I have adopted your position , if specialist happy so am I !
In two weeks blood test to check where I am remission wise
Wife force feeding me to get me back on solid foods , although I have…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic CTD Dosage in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Maureen
I had six three week cycles on CTD
The thalidomide dose was 200 mg every day
Twice in each three week cycle I had 40 mg of dex
This was really good , turned me into Rambo with attitude ,also got rid of all my spinal pains , they are nothing to do with the MM
After the four days on dex I had twenty four hours on a real physical…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic just been diagnoised in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 1 month ago
Hi Carryanne
I was diagnosed MM end May last year , went onto CDT , six x three week cycles , had little or no problems ,loved the steroids , got rid of all my spinal pains , became Rambo with attitude , then on a downer for 24 hours after each four days of steroids
We have two children , now middle aged & five grand kids , the two eldest we…[Read more]