PeterJames replied to the topic 9 months since SCT .. in the forum Treatment 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi Chris
Re Aciclovir , as we were both treated at Christie , each consultant must have different approach , I took the drug for approx three months , no mention of shingles !
I was under Dr Mike Denis , clinical director at the clinic , got superb treatment from him & his team
Called back this week with box of chocs for the nurses.
I did…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic SCT. Husband still unsure? Can anyone help? in the forum Treatment 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi Gill & Dave
Without a doubt , go for it
I had mine at the Christie on 17 th Jan this year , in for 16 days
The first 10 days or so aren't the happiest of your life , but so what
Once your neuts. start to rise from zero , you are on your way back, to this world & back hoe when they pass 1
Yes it leaves you somewhat bald ,tired & I was some…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic 9 months since SCT .. in the forum Treatment 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi Chris
I think my main problem is the scar tissue from previous spinal ops ( not mm related )
The irritates the nerves coming out of L5 , therefore no further ops possible or wanted
They have a least cured the main , what I call electric shocks which went down both legs
Since epidural two weeks ago , a lot of the minor electric shocks have…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic 9 months since SCT .. in the forum Treatment 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi Alex
I would be very interested in the details of your exercises
I am also going back to swimming next week
E mail :
PeterJames replied to the topic What constitutes a successful SCT? in the forum General 11 years, 9 months ago
Hello all
I suggest someone else tries " now i can travel"& gets a quote
Mine was very reasonable considering our other pre existing medical conditions
]I would have thought there was little difference in their eyes between full remission & good partial remission
At some point whatever the remission type the beast will return
Not that anyone…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic What constitutes a successful SCT? in the forum General 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi David
A further point
I got nowhere trying to do the online application forms
The best result was with a direct phone call
All the best
PeterJames replied to the topic What constitutes a successful SCT? in the forum General 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi David
I was quoted the fee of £460-68, which i have a ref number for & can pay when we book a holiday, we are going to the i o w in two weeks time , only for a week , but i'm not bothering to take out insurance as we are relatively close to home & now all paid for , i would take it out if going abroad
The excess's only comes into play if we…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic What constitutes a successful SCT? in the forum General 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi Chris
Re travel insurance , I got a quote from " now I can travel " ) 0845 2307 155 ) in march this year
This was for a 12 month insurance , both wife & self are 70 , have other per existing conditions
They are very aware of mm , they contribute to UK Myeloma
I was not asked re my pp level , I just explained the treatment I had been…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic 9 months since SCT .. in the forum Treatment 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi Chris
I have Tingly toes more on RHS than left
I had epidural last Mon to kill off nerve pain , specialist thinks it is scar tissue from several ops , nothing to do with mm
At least the three vertebrae above L5 are going nowhere , all bolted together, most likely I will have two per year
If I could walk six miles I would give myself a medal…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic 9 months since SCT .. in the forum Treatment 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi Chris
Thanks for your info
I guess having got to zero , it would have been nice to stay there for a while
How do you feel now as you are a few weeks ahead of me
Stability is what we all want ,but I was relieved that all my other tests on my bloods were ok & I feel pretty good
My main concern is now to get fitter , not that I was an…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic 9 months since SCT .. in the forum Treatment 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi Rach
I had my SCT on 17th Jan at the Manchester Christie
In for only sixteen days, blood test at Christie mid March revealed no discernible pp, said I was I good full remission
Then referred back to my local BMI near Blackburn who diagnosed me luckily very early on then did CDT
My Heamatologist there did a blood test mid April to…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic Full Remission in the forum Treatment 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi Dai
Life is full of ups & downs !
My last Christie blood test I think was early march , showed no pp, so I was sacked & went back to my local BMI who did the initial investigations then the CDT
Local Haematologist took blood mid April do establish a data base, the result showed pp at 3 !
So much for zero pp
All other 30 plus bits of…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic Keith in the forum General 11 years, 10 months ago
To Keith's family
Very sad news
Sincere condolences to Sue & all his family
He was a very brave gentleman
PeterJames replied to the topic Question…..maintenance treatment in the forum General 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi Maureen
Please advise your e mail & i will send on the article
All the best
PeterJames replied to the topic After Stem Cell in the forum General 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi Mary & Charlie
What's it like coming home from the SCT ( nearly in one piece ) , bloody marvellous to be back in your own home
I was superbly treated at the Manchester Christie, in & out in sixteen days
They did their best to kill me off with toxic chemicals , but within six weeks from my escape I was beaten into submission , sorry full…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic New in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi Ann
You are on chemo as you are taking two of the three chemo drugs for the CTD course , you are on T & D but not C !
You should ask why not , I also took several other drugs some , mostly daily , plus daily injection for DVT
I was also given two emergency packs of anti bios , plus emergency numbers for advice , also bought thermometers to…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic New in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi Mavis
I'm sure she said cure , but equally sure she meant remission , but maybe she knows someting we don't
I will torture more info out of her next Weds 1st May & advise
She seems very well connected & travels all over the world to seminars etc
Together with the Christie the team have been superb for me
Most of my pain is due to a…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic New in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi Ann
My pp went down steadily throughout the six cycles , approx. 25% per cycle to arrive at a final 3.8
But everybody is different , zero is nice but not necessary before your SCT
I was told by Christie's clinical director that people seemed to get a better recovery if the pp fell steadily through the six cycles rather than falling to zero…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic Anti Biotics in the forum General 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi Tom
It's that bald head of yours given you an infection this cold weather or drinking contraband vodka
Wouldn't happen on my side of the hill
What's wanted is a onesie with a flexible hoody to allow for hair growth
Nowspring is here , new growth springing up on beard , top of head also started , thinking of shampooing with grow more
After…[Read more]
PeterJames replied to the topic New in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 10 months ago
Hi Ann
Simply put the Para protein is the rougue cell / bug that devours the good cells in the bone marrow & also attacks the bones like woodworm , ie eats them away
This can go on for quite a long time while you can feel perfectly healthy with no reason to go to the docs.
On discovery my pp was 43 , pre SCT just under 4
The trick is via, in…[Read more]