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    Hi Michele

    I am on my second day now of CDT. so far so good except I can't stop hiccoughing. I expect I have a lot worse to come. On the trials they put me on CDT so I hope it works. We just lost a friend last week from MM and she was 43 had it for about 13 years which is very depressing. She had done a great deal of research and felt it was down to food packaging.

    At the moment I am fine but, as you say will take it one day at a time. Thanks so much for all your help and advice, it is so comforting.

    Love Charlie



    Hi Eve

    How sad, you have to cope with much more than I do. Only 16. We grumble but we can cope with the help from all of you.

    It puts things into perspective when you realise that others have to deal with much more. It makes you stronger. Thanks Eve.

    Love Charlie



    Hi Eve

    Trials, I think. Have to decide by tomorrow. Dreading it all.
    Just want to go back to normal.

    Everyone is so helpful but it is still so depressing. Let you know what happens with the consultant.
    Thanks to all for helping.




    Hi Gill

    Why could they not delay the treatment for a week? Is that usual practice?
    I would like mine delayed so I can attend a friends wedding. Just wondered.

    Thanks Charlie



    Hi Helen

    Really don't understand AA and Blue Badge but I suppose I shall have to get a grip. It has cheared me up that you were able to take holidays and be normal. I suppose I shall get used to it all.




    Hi Eve

    Is King's a really good place to be treated? Why is claiming for anything so difficult? Really hope you get a good holiday. That would be wonderful for both of you.




    Hi Gill

    How did you feel through treatment? Were you able to do anything? What is it like? When in remission are you just normal again? Did you know you had it smouldering for 17 years?
    Where are you going on holiday? Hope you have a great time. I just feel at the moment that life will end as I know it, when I start treatment.

    Do you have really high insurance for holidays when you have Myeloma?

    Thanks for the reply Gill.

    Love Charlie



    Thanks Helen.

    At the moment, just wish I didn't have it. Spent yesterday in the hospital, another bone marrow biopsy & X-Rays. I have to decide by Tuesday, I suppose I shall go ahead with the trials. Just not looking forward to feeling ill all the time. I take it you cannot go away on holiday while you are on the trials.

    It is just confusing at the moment.

    Best wishes.



    Thanks Vicki & Colin

    I shall have to take a deep breath and get on with it. How ill was Colin through the treatment? Could he lead a normal life or did he feel so ill all the time?

    Just trying to prepare myself.

    Thanks so musch for your help.



    Hi Tom

    Glad you are fine now, thanks for giving me hope.

    Best Wishes




    Hi Jo & Liz

    Thanks so much, reading these answers makes me feel a little more positive. I suppose there is a period of shock everyone has to go through. I feel so fit. I have been gardening today. Noone has said what sort of excersise you can and can't do, just don't lift heavy weights or overdo it. Does anyone run with Myeloma? I used to run and was hoping to get back into it. I guess that is out of the question now.
    Maybe I will feel better when I get more used to the idea. You all seem so positive.

    Thanks so much.



    Sorry Eve

    I forget to say – I am 64.

    Thanks Charlie



    Thanks so much Eve

    I think it is all so confusing and such a shock that you can't take anything in and when you read all the side affects from the drugs on the trials, in order to make the decision, it becomes so depressing. I was healthy a few weeks ago. I think we just have to come to terms with the shock – it is so live changing.

    I shall read it all through again. Thanks goodness for this site.

    Best wishes
    Charlie 🙁

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