batterboy58 replied to the topic "Is this the best news in years" in the forum General 12 years, 6 months ago
Interesting link here from 2010
batterboy58 replied to the topic "Is this the best news in years" in the forum General 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi Michele
I've never had the pity, I have had "Oh you are brave" to which I say "Theres no brave about it I am not brave I have no choice because as I understand it, if you don't take the medicine you will die pretty quickly."
Even so I think I would take the pity to help raise the awareness but that does depend a lot on what state I was…[Read more]
batterboy58 replied to the topic "Is this the best news in years" in the forum General 12 years, 6 months ago
The thing about this is that if it is do able it will require huge funding and support and therefore even more reason for us all to do what we can to raise the profile of our disease to the same or better status and funding than Leukaemia in order that we can help to drive this and other treatments and even potential cures.
Our biggest enemy as I…[Read more]
batterboy58 replied to the topic "Is this the best news in years" in the forum General 12 years, 6 months ago
Try this one sorry.
batterboy58 replied to the topic "Is this the best news in years" in the forum General 12 years, 6 months ago
I have done a little research on this and it could be a while away because as with everything these things take time, especially when it comes to the vested interests of the giant pharmaceutical companies,
A lot of what I have read leads me to see that we are talking about placenta's here which at present are routinely disposed of after…[Read more]
batterboy58 started the topic "Is this the best news in years". in the forum General 12 years, 6 months ago
Hi everyone
Saw this in yesterday Sunday Express and got really excited, need to check out more about how and why it works but it looks good.
batterboy58 started the topic CALLING DAI!. in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Hi Dai
I have been trying to get in touch with you urgently, hope you are okay, can you give me a call 07752 399212
Regards John
batterboy58 replied to the topic Fundraising and Awareness Day in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Hi Dai
I have sent you a message on Facebook and need to speak to you asap to confirm your offer to play at our event.
Please check your Facebook message and gice me a call.
Regards John
batterboy58 replied to the topic Fundraising and Awareness Day in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
I can now confirm that Alan More " The UKs No1 ELVIS Tribute Act will be with us all day and will be performing his full show in the Steakhouse Bar Mablethorpe next door to us in the evening. The Steakhouse have pledged 40% of their taking to MyelomaUK also.
batterboy58 replied to the topic Fundraising and Awareness Day in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Hi Tom
Yes we all have MM t shirts lined up for the day.
batterboy58 replied to the topic Fundraising and Awareness Day in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Hi Dai
That would be really great, we have such a lot planned and I want to make a programme of events once we have everything in order and you would be most welcome to come along and play. I used to play guitar myself in a duo but just for fun nowadays. Bit rusty really.
I will keep in touch
Regards John
batterboy58 replied to the topic Fundraising and Awareness Day in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Look forward to seeing you Tom
batterboy58 replied to the topic Fundraising and Awareness Day in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Hi Tom
Thank You
Hey remember the song, "Theres a guy down the chip shop thinks hes Elvis"
Well I think I have managed to secure an Elvis to spend the day with us entertaining the customers and performing a show in the evening.
Two of my staff are doing Tandem Skydives, My son is organising a sponsored night golf event with Glo Gear and the…[Read more]
batterboy58 replied to the topic Fundraising and Awareness Day in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
I have also now set up a page at Just Giving where people can help sponsor our event and donate directly to Myeloma UK
Cheers John
batterboy58 replied to the topic Fundraising and Awareness Day in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
I have to say that I have been disappointed with my performance on Revlimid & Dex, because by contrast when I had the now primitive chemo CVAMP by slow infusion through a Hickman Line 11 years ago and there were side effects, I did manage to function largely and work and life was relatively normal except for some mild sickness and fatigue from…[Read more]
batterboy58 replied to the topic Fundraising and Awareness Day in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
So all in all although I have had a pretty crappy few days on the Revlimid and Dex and haven?t been able to work as such I have been spending my time organising this and have made myself feel pretty good inside. I am really excited about it.
I will keep everyone informed of how things are going and how much we eventually raise and if any of you…[Read more]
batterboy58 replied to the topic Fundraising and Awareness Day in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Also we are hoping to secure the services of an entertainer for the day of some sort we are trying to come up with ideas for this and it is still a recently borne idea, maybe some sort of themed character or something (if anyone on here has any ideas then feel free to throw them into the pot).
All my staff have kindly volunteered to give their…[Read more]
batterboy58 replied to the topic Fundraising and Awareness Day in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
Of course we also wish to give as big a cheque as possible to Myeloma at the end of it, so what began life as a spark of an idea a couple of days ago has now really taken off and is at an advanced planning stage with the help of Myeloma UK, our local press who have a team working on it already buzzing with ideas to make the day a success.
We will…[Read more]
batterboy58 replied to the topic Fundraising and Awareness Day in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
One of the things that always strikes me about Myeloma is how few people have even heard about it and yet it is I believe the second most common blood cancer, often confused by people I find with comments like Oh skin cancer to which I have to always go into long drawn out explanations of what Myeloma actually is. So part of my aim is to promote…[Read more]
batterboy58 replied to the topic Fundraising and Awareness Day in the forum General 12 years, 7 months ago
So what tools do I have at my disposal to carry out my plan, well although I have my business up for sale I still have it at the moment and it seems like a good vehicle to use to carry out my plan which is to hold a Myeloma Awareness and Fundraising day at my Fish & Chip Restaurant in Mablethorpe in Lincolnshire.
What I am planning is for Friday…[Read more]