
  • Gill replied to the topic Being Silly over Mince Pies in the forum Off topic 9 years ago

    Hi Vicki, I have already tried to reply to your message but I lost the post somewhere in the ether. Apart from sport which Stephen loved and I loathe, it seems that you and Colin lived the same life as us. We would spend whole Saturday afternoons trying out different recipes with very few disasters. Once Stephen had to stop working we went out to…[Read more]

  • Stephen never had a sweet tooth for sweets, biscuits fruit pies etc. An occasional square of chocolate (I have an “occasional” bar of chocolate very regularly and I scoff the whole bar). His one love was mince pies. From the moment they hit the shops he would stack up. He’d the longest sell by dates he could find and squirrel them away. I haven’t…[Read more]

  • Gill replied to the topic 3 years in the forum End of Life and Grief 9 years, 5 months ago

    p.s picture was taken on holiday. Stephen’s face was so calm but I was giggling because he was pinching my bum!!

  • Gill started the topic 3 years in the forum End of Life and Grief 9 years, 5 months ago

    I don’t look on here often. My darling husband died on the 11th of September 2012. He was 57. We both knew he had terminal mm but didn’t expect him to go downhill so quickly. On his last visit to the oncologist he was told he had 2 years left hopefully more. He was dead 4 weeks later. His oncologist was genuinely shocked. As were his chemo nurses.…[Read more]

  • Gill started the topic 3 years in the forum End of Life and Grief 9 years, 5 months ago

    I don’t look on here often. My darling husband died on the 11th of September 2012. He was 57. We both new he had terminal mm but didn’t expect him to go downhill so quickly. On his last visit to the oncologist he was told he had 2 years left hopefully more. He was dead 4 weeks later. His oncologist was genuinely shocked. As were his chemo nurses.…[Read more]

  • CarolBradley1 replied to the topic Pom cycle 18 in the forum Treatment 9 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Andy
    Glad to hear your doing so well. Pleased to hear that you are coping so well with Pomalidomide – I am now on cycle 24 and just can’t believe where the time has gone. I too get the dreaded cramps – even in my hands if I grip something every now and again and a few other side effects that you know about well enough. My only real downside…[Read more]

  • My Husband died in September 2012. He would have been 60 on the 31st March and a few weeks before that date I got a cheque out of the blue for just over £700. The company had paid one of Stephen’s insurances wrongly and the cheque represented the shortfall plus interest.

    Pat has been our very best friend since God was a boy and wore short…[Read more]

  • I am so sorry that your husband has gone. I would love to tell you that it gets better, but you do learn to deal with it. My children were much older than yours. They may be very angry with Dad and feel very guilty for feeling that way.

    I am no expert or councillor but I wonder if it would help to let them know that is OK to be angry with Dad. He…[Read more]

  • Gill replied to the topic Tears and Onions in the forum Off topic 10 years ago

    Hi Tina

    You hold on to that tea towel forever. I cannot use a “steel” to sharpen knives but I would never part with it. I miss Stephen so, so much and do not think that will ever change, but I have learned to carry on. I also realise that family and friends have no idea how much I am still grieving, but that’s OK. It’s how it should be.

    Love…[Read more]

  • Gill started the topic Tears and Onions in the forum Off topic 10 years ago

    My husband died in September 2012. His first job after leaving school was as a trainee butcher for Sainsbury’s. As a result of that he could carve meat properly, bone out meat and sharpen knives. I had inherited a couple of sets of cutlery and a couple of sets of knives.

    The knives all had bone or ivory handles (not P.C. But they were over 100…[Read more]

  • Dear Rosie
    I am so sorry to read that Chris has gone. I don’t come on here very often now. My darling husband, best friend and soul mate died in September 2012 aged 57. There is not one day that I don’t miss him. I have passed the stage of disbelief, in the early days I would wake up and, half asleep, look to my right and try to work out where he…[Read more]

  • Dear Rosie
    I am so sorry to read that Chris has gone. I don’t come on here very often now. My darling husband, best friend and soul mate died in September 2012 aged 57. There is not one day that I don’t miss him. I have passed the stage of disbelief, in the early days I would wake up and, half asleep, look to my right and try to work out where he…[Read more]

  • My husband was on a really high dose of dex. It turned him from a laid back pussy cat who rarely got angry to a a bad tempered, argumentive monster. We called this dexatude. I hope you are on a low dose and it is not affecting you too badly


  • I am sorry that your Dad has died. I am sure your post will make people more hopefull. He actually lived on for 19 years after diagnosis. Let’s hope for a breakthrough soon. My husband died 4years after diagnosis aged 57


  • Gill replied to the topic SLIM in the forum End of Life and Grief 10 years, 6 months ago

    I hope Slim’s funeral went really well, and was a real celebration of his life. Gil xx

  • Gill replied to the topic SLIM in the forum End of Life and Grief 10 years, 6 months ago

    I will be with you both tomorrow and I hope it is a wonderful celebration of Slim’s life. Don’t forget a straight back, determination and a pocket full of tissues.

    When Stephen died my daughter flew over from the States. She was devastated that she did not arrive before Stephen died, but she said she was there to support me. Bless her she sorted…[Read more]

  • Gill replied to the topic SLIM in the forum End of Life and Grief 10 years, 6 months ago

    Dear Eve

    I am truly sorry to hear of Slim’s death. Stephen died nearly 2 years ago. Sometimes it seems like a lifetime away and sometimes it feels as though it was yesterday.

    Like you and Slim there was nothing left unsaid between us, and as for regrets? I have none. (as long as you don’t count the fact that he got this bastard disease).

    For a…[Read more]

  • My husband had 2 SCTs in 2010/2011 we were told that the cost of each was £30,000 We were fortunate enough to have private health care and the bills we received were for food etc in the hospital.

    I am still not sure who paid the cost of the SCTs but I think they were on the NHS.

    If they have stopped funding transplants on the NHS I would sign…[Read more]

  • My husband died in September 2012 aged 57. He had had mm for 4 years but the end came very suddenly. The pain will never go completely lesj, but you learn to cope with it. I miss Stephen all the time, but have learnt how to cope.

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