compass007 started the topic Allo SCT in the forum Treatment 7 years, 11 months ago
I am 58 days post Allo SCT and have just recieved blood results back to see how effective the graft was….my brother was the donor, and I am 98% my brothers cells which is excellent news….still a long way to go yet, I have had mild GVHD and I cant really say the whole transplant is easy but as a fellow myeloma sufferer said its “DOABLE”…still…[Read more]
compass007 started the topic Allo SCT in the forum Treatment 7 years, 11 months ago
I am 58 days post Allo SCT and have just recieved blood results back to see how effective the graft was….my brother was the donor, an I am 98% my brothers cells which is excellent news….still a long way to go yet, I have had mild GVHD and I cant really say the whole transplant is easy but as a fellow myeloma sufferer said its “DOABLE”…still…[Read more]
compass007 replied to the topic Bendamustine in the forum Treatment 7 years, 11 months ago
Ask about IXAZOMIB relativley new drug recently aproved in UK…however not sure about the drug with the kidney condition, but certainly wort asking about.
Good Luck
compass007 replied to the topic Family support….advice please! in the forum General 7 years, 11 months ago
Hi I really think Mcmillan is your very best starting point…..this sounds daunting to most, but they really are fantastic and give great support…
Kind Regards
compass007 replied to the topic SCT Not Good Started New Trial Drug IXAZOMIB in the forum Treatment 8 years, 7 months ago
Hi Peter only coming back to you now as I wanted to speak with my consultant Dr Kishore and team at Heartlands regarding MM being Curable or not…upto 6 weeks ago it was my assumption that MM was not curable after looking at all the information available I would say that is a pretty fair assumption…However after talking to the team at…[Read more]
compass007 replied to the topic Relapsed just as finishing cyle 6 of initital treatment! in the forum Newcomers 8 years, 7 months ago
A clip from the Myeloma UK site….
Pharmaceutical company Takeda are also going to appeal the CHMP decision. During this period, Takeda will continue to make ixazomib available to eligible UK patients through a compassionate use programme (CUP).
This means that if a myeloma patient requires treatment with ixazomib, recommended by their doctor,…[Read more]
compass007 replied to the topic SCT Not Good Started New Trial Drug IXAZOMIB in the forum Treatment 8 years, 7 months ago
Hi Helen and Suzie just to let you know my consultant told me that as Ixazomib is non EU aproved and that the drug Company is trying to get it aproved so it is cheap (which would make sense) Im not sure how good it is yet as I have had just the one cycle, as I said in my last comment I caught a cold then got a fever and had to stop the treatment…[Read more]
compass007 replied to the topic Relapsed just as finishing cyle 6 of initital treatment! in the forum Newcomers 8 years, 7 months ago
I have been diagnosed about 12 months now and unfortunatley we are always fire fighting I started on velcade but it didnt work for me ….I thent went on and had CHOP chemo and the finally DT-PACE chemo that got me into remission..I then went on and had Stem Cell Transplant at Heartlands the remission lasted about 3 months which is pretty crap so…[Read more]
compass007 replied to the topic SCT Not Good Started New Trial Drug IXAZOMIB in the forum Treatment 8 years, 7 months ago
Just a quick update caught a cold a couple of weeks ago needless to say that turned into a fever and eventually i was hopitalized for 5 days found out it was my Hickman line that was contaminated so they took it out all fine now and im back at home, however I had to stop the new drug treatment Ixazomib for a week doesnt seem to have had any…[Read more]
compass007 replied to the topic SCT Not Good Started New Trial Drug IXAZOMIB in the forum Treatment 8 years, 8 months ago
Well after only 6 days my plasmacytoma in the right eye is all but gone I know that is not really a medical measurement for success or failure but I would have to say it must be a fairly good sign not seeing my consultant for over a week so wont really know anything till then, Im going to see a radiotherapist tomorrow not sure if its for treatment…[Read more]
compass007 replied to the topic SCT Not Good Started New Trial Drug IXAZOMIB in the forum Treatment 8 years, 8 months ago
I should of said a drug thats not approved by the EU, but with whats happening with the UK and EU should I really care?
compass007 started the topic SCT Not Good Started New Trial Drug IXAZOMIB in the forum Treatment 8 years, 8 months ago
Hi alll Im back again… Good news is SCT went fantastic like I said a “BREEZE” unfortunatley it only lasted about 2 days. ha ha ha, I know I shouldnt laugh…. but its just my humour, after the and during SCT I started getting some back pain I was due a Pet scan and bone marrow biopsy to check if SCT had worked… I got the all clear nothing in…[Read more]
compass007 replied to the topic after sct in the forum Treatment 8 years, 11 months ago
Hi Jan your description is very much like the pain I am getting, infact I went to clinic yesterday and after an MRI scan last week it is showing damage to the vertebrae, im taking co-codemal and a morphine sulphate capsule at night it certainly takes the edge of the pain, again im not sure how much effect the SCT has had yet and I am back at…[Read more]
compass007 started the topic after sct in the forum Treatment 8 years, 11 months ago
I had my sct about 3 weeks ago before I had it I had very little pain but since the sct the pain across my shoulders has bee very intense, im taking co-codemal and oramorph and it is certainly helping also I have had a skin rash but the Drs have said its not shingles and is probably faculitus? has anyone else out there had these symptoms/pain…[Read more]
compass007 replied to the topic 3 weeks after SCT in the forum Treatment 8 years, 11 months ago
Hi Rebecca, thanks for the reply that does sound very much like what I am going through, and like I said I am generally an up beat person anyway, and like they all say “one day at a time” thanks again for your reply…very re-assuring.
compass007 started the topic 3 weeks after SCT in the forum Treatment 8 years, 11 months ago
Ok its been 3 weeks since my SCT and although all seem to have went well I am getting quite a lot of pain in my shoulders and the tops of my arms, I am getting the feeling that the SCT may not have worked…..I had a PET scan prior to the SCT and am due another soon, because the Myeloma presented itself aggresivley through a tumour behind my eye…[Read more]
compass007 replied to the topic SCT in the forum Treatment 8 years, 12 months ago
Well SCT done and out in only 14 days…I feel very lucky, I had no real problems a few mouth ulcers and feeling very sick, However the boredom as i thought was my biggest problem, when you are told isolation thats exactly what they mean, even my food was served through a hatch, but like I said I feel very lucky that I got through it without any…[Read more]
compass007 replied to the topic SCT in the forum Treatment 9 years ago
Hi Sonia, and yes I have the same feeling, However we sometimes forget about the partners of the sufferes who are also suffering (sometimes more).
Hope all goes well.
Kind Regards
compass007 replied to the topic SCT in the forum Treatment 9 years ago
Thanks David the recovery and problems going through treatment does seem to vary a lot, as I had DT-PACE chemo which is very powerful I am hoping that this eases the problems with the Melphalan, but I know each individual is different. Thanks for your advice….this really does help.
Kind Regards
compass007 replied to the topic SCT in the forum Treatment 9 years ago
Thank-you Jan that is very reassuring