
  • Hello Kelly
    It’s not often I come on to Myeloma UK, as I lost my husband over 3 years ago, but Myeloma as come into my life again ,as a friend has just lost her husband with Myeloma ,so I looked into the site.

    First you have to know about a Myeloma, a doctor might only see it once in his life time,so GP seldom pick it up, usually it’s discovered…[Read more]

  • eve replied to the topic One year on in the forum End of Life and Grief 8 years, 6 months ago

    Hi!! Am back! It’s coming up to two years now since Slm died,had lots of adventures,but would have liked to do far more!!!

    I decide to come back and tell you,why you should grab life by the throat and enjoy evey minute you have,I will not be replying to any answers,!!

    I was diagnosed with Bladder Cancer in June of this year,although it’s very…[Read more]

  • eve replied to the topic One year on in the forum End of Life and Grief 9 years ago

    Hi Helen

    I came home 2 weeks ago,after nearly 4 months away,enjoyed the travelling and the weather was very good,I nearly gave up in the first month as I found it very lonely,never realised couples in General Don,t speak to single women on their own!! A real eye opener,but after a month I did get use to it and began to realise I liked my own…[Read more]

  • Hi Sandie

    Time to grieve is not something that we decide,it’s not something that you can just decide to do,it comes in so many different forms,to me it’s a bit of an ambush,one minute ok next the tears slip down my cheeks.

    The house to you has been important ,but it’s not your love or your memories,just 4 walls and a roof,your love of your mum…[Read more]

  • eve replied to the topic One year on in the forum End of Life and Grief 9 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Helen
    No sorry I don,t have patten,but you could treat the bulge as a finger,get the patten off a glove pattern .

    I am out on my lonesome for Christmas,I don,t want my girls to start thinking who,s going to have mum,they have threatened me with forcing me to have a micro chip,so they can keep track of me..
    Laying ghost to rest!!! Cannot go to…[Read more]

  • Hi Laura

    I am so sorry for your loss,before a consent form is signed the doctor has to explain all the risk involved,you tend to be bombarded with information ,so in the light of this I would say it was explained and because of the amount of info you have to listen too,it’s been said but not regested. I do think information like this should be…[Read more]

  • eve replied to the topic One year on in the forum End of Life and Grief 9 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Andy and Helen

    Andy good to know you are much much better,when that drinking arm starts working,then I know you are fine, I hope you are helping Tom,by drinking his measure,he looks good,even though he is in a hospital bed,bet he has the nurses in stitches.

    Helen no one ever gives up hope!! I look on it as an acceptance,that the miracle cure…[Read more]

  • eve replied to the topic 3 years in the forum End of Life and Grief 9 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Gill

    Well except for Jean and Fiona we are widows,!!
    And we all know it catches up with us at sometime,we are watching Tom going through his second SCT,and Wendy a SCT from a babies cord,so it must give a lot of hope for people treading in our footsteps.

    Gill may I recommend Way Up to you,it’s not for everyone,and it does have a Facebook way…[Read more]

  • eve replied to the topic One year on in the forum End of Life and Grief 9 years, 4 months ago

    Food for thought

  • eve replied to the topic One year on in the forum End of Life and Grief 9 years, 4 months ago

    Hello Fiona and Helen

    Fiona I find it easier just to let my mind flow,never rewrite anything again,so you get me as I think,plus my terrible grammar and spelling,but it’s the true version, warts and all as they say.
    I do look in to UK Myeloma more mainly because it’s easier to follow,also having faces on there helps,you have beautiful…[Read more]

  • eve replied to the topic One year on in the forum End of Life and Grief 9 years, 5 months ago

    Hi C

    Thank you! If my previous post help you in any way,I am glad,it’s an awful situation,medically and with the present politics concerning Cancer drugs,they have no understanding of the mental anxiety that patients and family suffer.

    We always tried to lock the myeloma away,in every sense of the word,Slims attitude was why worry about tomorrow…[Read more]

  • eve replied to the topic One year on in the forum End of Life and Grief 9 years, 5 months ago

    Thank you Helen
    I have just been reading your thread about Andy,well who,s a naughty girl,!!!we all know paracetamol mask infections!!,never never take them until diagnosed,I cannot tell you how many times ambulance drivers wanted to give Slim them!!!!
    I am sorry you have had to start treatment again,but so glad you are not pushing up the daisies…[Read more]

  • eve replied to the topic One year on in the forum End of Life and Grief 9 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Jean,

    Strange ,although we are Facebook friends,we keep Myeloma locked away ,its the way it should be!!!, I really enjoy the scrabble as well,I would take more games on with you,but will be heading for France soon!! But I do envy your cruises,it’s so nice to see you are making the most of your time,long may it last.

    Thanks for the news on…[Read more]

  • eve replied to the topic One year on in the forum End of Life and Grief 9 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Richard
    Nice to know you are still here!!,any one know how David is?????? Or Jo!!!!.

    Just for the record Tom is just starting his second SCT, .
    He has grabbed life by the throat,and making the most of it,holidays family and his lovely wife living life to the full. Tom has one thing on his mind on ward and upward!!!!!!

    It’s a pity Jet and…[Read more]

  • eve replied to the topic One year on in the forum End of Life and Grief 9 years, 5 months ago

    Thank you

    I do hope your journey,s are long and the best you can make of them,Liz it’s best to escape the roller coaster as we all know it’s going to pass your way again,and Myeloma should not become normality,but in the end it’s the only thing you know.

    Thank you both again,Stanley,Slim was always proud of me, but he is more likely to come back…[Read more]

  • eve replied to the topic One year on in the forum End of Life and Grief 9 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Rebecca

    I have just looked into your profile as no picture! And see how much you are now helping other people, I know I was too blunt at times! But you seemed to be able to get the message across very well, this is the way it should be,helping each other on this journey,then leaving that road and going on a different one.

    It makes all of us…[Read more]

  • eve replied to the topic Colin in the forum General 9 years, 5 months ago

    It goes without saying how sorry I am to hear your news.
    i know the auto pilots switch is on for you now,it takes awhile to realise how exhausted you have become,it’s very hard to cry and mourn.
    Just try to cope the best way you can,these last few years you have held everything together,being strong for everyone,I can only say,be proud of…[Read more]

  • eve replied to the topic One year on in the forum End of Life and Grief 9 years, 5 months ago

    Thank you Ann

    I have come along way in the last 5 years, 4 years of Slims illness and 1 year on my own,it’s a big learning curve,and I still look in on cyber friends,see how Tom or Andy plus a few others if they don,t post on the Facebook site UK Myeloma ,I worry. So Myeloma never really leaves my world although Slim has gone.

    I just wanted to…[Read more]

  • Hi Everyone

    Many of you won,t know me,as you will be newbies! But the old crowd will,the reason I am writing this,is that Slim always worried how I would manage once he died.

    I have decided to let you know what has happened to me,I lost Slim one year ago on the 27 of August and I suppose it’s reflection time,although not a day goes by without…[Read more]

  • My condolences to your family.

    As many have said on here,Scott always seemed to be beating the odds,I remember him talking about SCT although kidney functions were not great.

    He gave lots of people hope and this is what this site is about,hope for a cure plus watching people who seem to be full of hope and beating the odds,Scott is one of many…[Read more]

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