faith replied to the topic Relapse after 5 years in the forum Newcomers 12 years, 12 months ago
Hi Eliz
They have only started to charge for blue badge holders, so I don't know where the yellow lines are as yet. If only, I could go to my local hospital could catch a bus then. Not as easy as that though is it?
Keep yellow lines going!!!
faith replied to the topic Relapse after 5 years in the forum Newcomers 13 years ago
Hi Tom
I will have to have a look at parking outside of the hospital. I do know that you get 30 free mins parking but that is never enough time.
Doing OK apart from a stupid tickly cough. Will make an appointment with my GP if it doesn't clear up by after the weekend.
Take care
faith replied to the topic Relapse after 5 years in the forum Newcomers 13 years ago
Hi Tom
I do have a Blue Badge for the car, but the hospital has started to charge parking for everyone even Blue Badge holders.
faith replied to the topic Relapse after 5 years in the forum Newcomers 13 years ago
Thanks for all of your replies. I know that I must keep positive. I was thinking of making an appointment with my own GP to talk about how I feel.
I have felt so good up to now!
I will keep you posted.
I do know that I am not the only one out there who has Multiple Myeloma.
faith started the topic Relapse after 5 years. in the forum Newcomers 13 years ago
I had my stem cell transplant 5 years ago which went well. Had my, usual, blood test and consultation with my doctor last week and my protein level has started to rise. I should of asked the doctor what happens now but I didn?t (too worried about parking fees silly really).I am worried that I will have to go through another stem cell…[Read more]