foxy555 posted an update 9 years, 6 months ago
@Vicki Hi Vicki , not been on the site for ages, but so saddened to hear about Colin. Our thoughts our with you. Love Ann and Pete
foxy555 replied to the topic New in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 10 months ago
Hello Clare
Sorry to hear about your mom. In a nutshell, my husband Pete aged 57 was diagnosed in April 2012 and returned to work 2 weeks ago! He had 7 months of CDT and then had the stem cell transplant in February 2013.
Yes it was a long road and the 23 days in hospital was not very nice, but eh, he got there!!!! Each patient has their…[Read more]
foxy555 replied to the topic Anti Biotics in the forum General 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi Tom
Oh you take care, hope you feel better soon!
Ann and Pete
foxy555 replied to the topic New in the forum Newcomers 11 years, 11 months ago
Hello Ann
Sorry to hear your news, but welcome. It is almost a year to the day when I put my first post on this site, when my husband, Pete, also aged 57 was diagnosed with Myeloma. I was made to feel so welcome and really don't know what we would have done without it.
Pete was very active, but it all started with pains in his back and…[Read more]
foxy555 replied to the topic State of shock (good shock!!) in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi Jean
Really pleased to hear Frank's results are good and no sign of Myeloma in his blood!! Amazing, well done to Frank. Pete's blood results were also good 2 weeks ago, but he finds out on Friday about the Myeloma levels.
All in all, he has done remarkably well since leaving hospital 4 weeks ago after the SCT! His recovery was very slow…[Read more]
foxy555 replied to the topic Two and a half years in the forum General 11 years, 11 months ago
Oh Eve and Slim
So sorry to hear this news, Myeloma really is a horrid illness – every story is so very different! I wish you both well. Take care.
Love Ann and Pete
foxy555 replied to the topic Franks SCT take 2 in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi Jean
Oh hopefully Frank will get home for a few hours, will do him good to get some fresh air as well. When Pete came home he just kept looking out of the window, taking in the surroundings and was so happy! The sun was actually shining as well on his first few days at home and so that was a bonus. Lovely day here in Somerset, hope its nice…[Read more]
foxy555 replied to the topic Happy 1st Birthday to my Stemcells. in the forum General 11 years, 11 months ago
Hi Babs
Well done, lovely encouraging post!
Take care
Ann and Pete
foxy555 replied to the topic Everybody has a story… in the forum General 11 years, 11 months ago
Hello Dai
What a story, it really did bring a tear to my eye!
You have been through so much and having to relocate to receive better medical treatment is appalling. Did you report the consultant to the BMC? Based on your experience, he really should have been investigated!
It is perhaps a postcode lottery at times! Here in Taunton…[Read more]
foxy555 replied to the topic Franks SCT take 2 in the forum Treatment 11 years, 12 months ago
Oh Jean
Do understand what you are going through as the carer, you think – no light at the end of the tunnel, but it will get better! I promise you! I am sure that the people on this site, who have actually gone through it, ie Peter, Phil,Tom, Colin and Chris the Biker – to name a few, will also reassure you.
Is'nt it strange though how each…[Read more]
foxy555 replied to the topic Full Remission in the forum Treatment 11 years, 12 months ago
Oh thats fabulous Peter, well done.
Take care and best wishes
Ann and Pete
foxy555 replied to the topic Pete's SCT – Done – now the recovery!!! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi all
Well Day 3 at home with Pete and things ok! Will never get cocky or conceited however, because I do realise these are very early days.
Pete has no taste buds, but is managing to get some food down him albeit small portions plus his vitamin drinks. He even had a lovely cold lager last night!!!
We went for a short drive yesterday…[Read more]
foxy555 replied to the topic Pete's SCT – Done – now the recovery!!! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Sarah
What an encouraging post! Thank you for that and so pleased that Henry is doing so well.
Good luck with your hand as well!
Take care
foxy555 replied to the topic Pete's SCT – Done – now the recovery!!! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi all
Well fingers crossed, Pete will be home tomorrow!! I have booked a week off to look after him, although he has said he will be fine! (Typical stubborn man!)
I took him in some soup and he did manage that and has been drinking the vitamin drinks (although he said they taste like wall paper paste!!!
I did say, don't run before you…[Read more]
foxy555 replied to the topic Tenterhooks in the forum General 12 years ago
Hi Vicki
You made me laugh about Colin and his poodle look!!!! I won't mention to Pete about the possibility of his hair growing back curly, that certainly would upset him – LOL.
Hi Dai, hope you keep well and don't come down with anything.
Take care all
foxy555 replied to the topic Pete's SCT – Done – now the recovery!!! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi all
Well Pete came out of isolation on Thursday and off the morphine on Friday. He was quite good yesterday, but today, bad throat has returned. Still not eating or drinking much and looks so thin, but at the end of the day, he has turned the corner!!!! I really never thought he would the way things were progressing.
Jean, glad to hear…[Read more]
foxy555 replied to the topic Pete's SCT – Done – now the recovery!!! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi all
Well this is really going on longer than I ever expected. Pete on day 5 of morphine, still cannot swallow anything including water! The morphine is also making him a bit confused. He rang me this morning at 7am, thinking it was 7pm. The good side is, his levels are up and so he is out of isolation. Just wish this horrid throat pain…[Read more]
foxy555 replied to the topic Pete's SCT – Done – now the recovery!!! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi all,
Pete no better today, they put him on a morphine drip yesterday and whilst it has helped, he still cannot swallow – even liquids. Could'nt even manage an ice pop today! Horrid to see him in so much pain, but I know everyone is different in the recovery process and suffer in different ways.
Just waiting for him to 'turn the corner'…[Read more]
foxy555 replied to the topic Pete's SCT – Done – now the recovery!!! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi Tom and Vicki
Thanks for your comments, it does help knowing that this is the norm! Otherwise I would be worried.
Such a shame about Jean and Frank, they have really had such bad luck!
Take care
foxy555 replied to the topic Pete's SCT – Done – now the recovery!!! in the forum Treatment 12 years ago
Hi all
Pete was quite comfortable until today, cannot hardly swallow now, even his tablets, the nurses have had to crush them up. They may give him some morphine tomorrow to help ease the pain. Apparently it will get worse before it gets better!! Well we knew this was one of the side effects, but not nice seeing him in so much discomfort, he…[Read more]