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    Hi Emma

    I am on the Radar trial, I had my SCT last September, and currently on a maintenance regime. If you read the paper on the trial there are various routes that your dad could be placed on, this will depend on the bone marrow results as these are randomised, unless the patient is classed as genetical high risk, which I ‘am.

    As you stated everyone’s journey is different but for me it has been really good so far, no worse than the induction drugs, I had 12 weeks similar to the induction at the start of the year and now on fortnightly treatment, which is an infusion on day 1 & 15 and 21 days of tablets then a free week; this regime was selected, as I have mentioned, as I am high risk.
    Good luck for the journey ahead.



    Mine was a month from diagnosis to the first treatment, I had lots of appointments prior to that which included a bone marrow biopsy, CT scan and MRI, It appears that all hospitals work differently and timescales vary for treatment for individual patients depending on what stage the Myeloma is at…

    For me the breathlessness started to ease once treatment started, no medication for me for it, it wasn’t required still not 100% but better than before.
    Good luck with your next appointment and treatment.



    I’m also on the trial, I took me about ten minutes to decide, my thoughts were that its got to benefit me in both the short and long term, also it would hopefully help others in the future which again would hopefully include me.

    all the best



    Hi Squirrel
    Answering your last two posts; Doctor happy with my bloods she said that my para proteins had gone from 21 whatever its measured in, at the beginning of treatment, down to a number that was insignificant so we were pleased with that, and all the other important numbers were down to a level that they are happy to continue with the stem cell transplant, Just waiting for a date for the stem cell harvest and subsequent transplant. As I’m genetically classed as high risk I think this will be sooner rather than later.
    We asked questions at every review and when we saw the specialist nurse while having the treatment so don’t let that worry you. I did find that whatever side effects cropped up most would go once treatment stopped but always ask the questions just in case drugs need to be changed or dosage altered.

    I seemed to tolerate the drugs more than what I’ve read and heard, I did however have the same as you, cold nose and my feet felt cold to me but not to touch, some other strange side effects as well, three or four days after the infusion and injection, my skin felt sore to touch, like when you have flu, it would last a day or so then disappear, I also had one ear that wouldn’t pop, similar to when you on a plane, really weird feeling, that disappeared when they changed my MST to a capsule. I also had a reaction to the deltaparin, it was ok for the first six – eight weeks then I developed a horrible rash on my stomach and legs where we injected, I stopped that and changed to apixaban tablets and the rash settled down.
    When I first had the Isatuximab, I had the symptoms of anaphylaxis, tingling lips and mouth, blocked nose and short of breath, treatment was paused for an hour while I had more steroids and intravenous antihistamine, after that I was fine.
    After a while I got to understand what to expect as each week the same things occurred at a similar time



    Hi Squirrel

    I only went to the doctors as I couldn’t shake the winter virus which then started to cause rib pain, thinking it was all the coughing or just something simple.

    I think its similar, tablets twice a day.

    I have been on the RADAR trial, It was offered to me at the beginning so I jumped at the opportunity, I have just completed the 12 week induction phase yesterday, I have review next Tuesday then bone marrow biopsy on Thursday then hopefully if the results are favourable its on to the next stage, which is stem cell transplant.



    Hi Squirrel

    Your original post is more or less verbatim to me, doctors thought I had a PE, huge pain in the ribs and sternum, CT scans and blood test confirmed Myeloma, placed on the two week pathway on the 1st February, currently on a clinical trial.
    Don’t suffer with the pain I’m on MST, slow release morphine tablets, which work a treat for me, I asked my haematologist for the prescription with no problem, I also have oral morphine, which works a treat with paracetamol, for when the pain is severe.
    I hope that helps but definitely don’t suffer with pain

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