jeapal23 started the topic Update on Mikes treatment in the forum Treatment 9 years, 6 months ago
I have not been on the site for a while just been busy starting a new job. However, we have been on holiday, an 18 day cruise, Mike took pomaladimide whilst he was away. He was okay with it but was getting very tired towards the end of the holiday. He also developed a small cough, he is still a smoker. We got back on the 298th August. I…[Read more]
jeapal23 replied to the topic Update of Michaels treatment in the forum Treatment 10 years ago
Mike had tried velcade pomalidomide and revlemed. Only every had three or four cycles of any of them.
Mike is a fighter. He had had quite a few chest infections the worse being last year when he was in hospital for 28 day. 11 of them in intensive care. They thought he would pull through from that infection. They never did work…[Read more]
jeapal23 started the topic Update of Michaels treatment in the forum Treatment 10 years ago
Well Michael has had a second chest infection since he has been on pomalidamide. An infection after the first cycle and now an infection after the third cycle. They said that they would stop treatment after the first cycle if Michaels PP hand not reduced by 50% that would make his PP 19. well at best after the third cycle which I argued for as…[Read more]
jeapal23 replied to the topic Pomalidomide in the forum Treatment 10 years, 2 months ago
Well after Mikes first cycle he got a very bad chest infection. He was given a 10 day bacterial antibiotics to take and I’m pleased to say got rid of the infection. His Pp level went to 29 from 38 but jumped back up to 33. He is now in the third week of cycle 2 if his PP Level does not come down to 19 they will stop treatment. Pray for a miracle…[Read more]
jeapal23 replied to the topic Pomalidomide in the forum Treatment 10 years, 4 months ago
Hi Andy, No Michael is not on a trial, he is very tired on this treatment at the moment, this is his first week. He is back at the hospital tomorrow for bloods.
Michael had a stroke 12 years ago so I think this plays a part in the treatment, they held off for a long time not treating Michael. His PP level has been as high as 70 but at the…[Read more]
jeapal23 started the topic Pomalidomide in the forum Treatment 10 years, 4 months ago
Well not been around for a bit. Mike was getting over his near death experience in April, we have been on a great cruise to Norway and I gave up my job, I had just had enough, handed my notice in and left all within a week. I am waiting to get my pension from the BBC and I have a nice part time job 15 to 20 hours a week. So life is getting…[Read more]
jeapal23 started the topic Just checking in in the forum General 10 years, 9 months ago
I haven’t posted for a bit, well since Mike was in hospital very poorly. Glad to say he came home and has done really well. He is back to normal, well as normal as he can be. He is gaining strength and started to get out and about. All treatment is on hold at the moment. His PP level is 28 at its best it has only got down to 25 so they are…[Read more]
jeapal23 replied to the topic Goodnews in the forum General 10 years, 11 months ago
Maureen, how did you get a grant for a wet room. I could be doing with a toilet downstairs right now.
jeapal23 replied to the topic Goodnews in the forum General 10 years, 11 months ago
Michael had a follow up appointment yesterday. they are going to leave him alone on the Myeloma front as his lungs need to recovery. He will have a follow up CT scan on his chest in 2 months. They are going to let him recover and build up his strength and then he will have a bone marrow test to see how the myeloma is doing and from there we…[Read more]
jeapal23 started the topic Goodnews in the forum General 10 years, 11 months ago
Michael is home, he came home yesterday early evening after spending 26 days in hospital 9 day of that where in ICU. He is very tired and weak but with my help and love I will get him back on his feet.
jeapal23 replied to the topic Michael Update in the forum General 10 years, 11 months ago
Michael is making progress they are reducing the oxgyen every day. It is great to see light at the end of a tunnel and u can see a future. I told him he can’t give up I’m planning my retirement and I want to get old with him. Thank you for all the responses is good to be the stories
jeapal23 replied to the topic Michael Update in the forum General 10 years, 11 months ago
Michael moved up to the ward late Friday. He is still on the oxgyen and he looks so much better. They have said it will be a long process and wheelchairs have been mentioned. We also have to make the decision that if he goes down hill not to do any intervention. I’m finding that very hard to deal with. Seeing the doctors this afternoon see what t…[Read more]
jeapal23 posted an update 10 years, 11 months ago
Michael moved up to the ward late Friday. He is still on the oxgyen and he looks so much better. They have said it will be a long process and wheelchairs have been mentioned. We also have to make the decision that if he goes down hill not to do any intervention. I’m finding that very hard to deal with. Seeing the doctors this afternoon see…[Read more]
jeapal23 replied to the topic Michael Update in the forum General 10 years, 11 months ago
Eve, I am still working but my GP signed me off for two weeks if that is not enough I will have some more time out. I have felt so worn out and exhausted with all the emotional strain. I am due to be made redundant later this year and will be taking retirement. If necessary I will see if we can bring it forward.
Mike went all day without the…[Read more]
jeapal23 replied to the topic Good Remission after 5 years- do not give up in the forum Treatment 10 years, 11 months ago
Good news, as you say never give up
jeapal23 started the topic Michael Update in the forum General 10 years, 11 months ago
I haven’t posted for a while, what a roller coaster Mike has been on. He started Revlimid in November. January he was in hospital with an infection, February he was ill over half term week and started antibiotics for sever cold sores. His PP levels dropped from 38 to 25 at best. They where going to try him on another 2 cycles and see what…[Read more]
jeapal23 started the topic Update from hospital appointment today. in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago
Well I got to see Mikes X-rays, he has lesions on his humorous, rib, which has broken and spine. These are the places Mike gets pain. They have said he is 2nd stage myeloma. Came away from the hospital with all the drugs for the first cycle of chemo on the 29th. I'm feeling better about things as we have to fit this and stop crying into…[Read more]
jeapal23 replied to the topic My Velcade Journey in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago
David, good to here all is well. Mike starts this on the 29th
jeapal23 replied to the topic Treatment has started in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago
Yes, Eve. Mike has had X-rays several times before also bone marrow testing.
David, I hope your treatment goes well today. Mike is getting injections into his stomach and they will carry out the treatment at home, it is something new they have started at our hospital which is the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham.
I have calmed down…[Read more]
jeapal23 replied to the topic Treatment has started in the forum Treatment 11 years, 11 months ago
Mike has not had a relapse he never has had treatment before. His paraprotien levels have been high for a long time the highest being 70 but they had been sitting around 45, they never gave him treatment because he was having no other symptons but now he gets bone pain and infections; they did xrays and have now decided treatment is necessary.…[Read more]