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  • #95421


    Good luck tom

    I will be thinking of you the next three weeks

    Its my birthday on the 22 I will have a pint
    for you



    Hi haw do i fiend spell cheque on hear



    Hi margret
    I Hope i am asking the questian in ten years time
    Love john



    Hi paul
    snap i was diagnosed in april

    we maybe myeloma twins good look on 100 days

    This may sound od but this year has been the best year
    of my life the presure is off and i am number one
    let me know whot you get randomised whith

    best of the best



    Hi tina snap but i am on 10 ml rev and zolinza

    start to day

    Thay dont know haw long for ?? beats me to

    love john



    Hi babs, this is john, well done i am so pleased and it givess all of us following you encouragement and hope. Ive just been out to the pub for a pint and read your post. I can now go to bed feeling happy. Im thinking you are our leaer tonight. Well done again, and these are the messages that lift us all. enjoy austrailier and next year the monn. If we can sort this problem of getting out of orbit, I do think the M.M wont like this.
    Goodnight and god bless,,,, John Cadwallader,
    P.S. What would we do without Myloma U.K. they are brilliant….



    Hi peter
    I go back tomorow to pick up revlimid and zolinza thats the outcome
    of randomisation to maintenance +BMB OWWWWCH PP 1
    I dont know for hawlong or what
    take care john



    Hi rebecca hope your kidneys improving my doc says thay will repair
    them selves.
    SCT you will do it you r strong.

    100 days last wednesday ranDomised revlimid and zolinza ? Pick up drugs tomorow and have BMB OWWWCH
    PP 1
    Wish i could be more help
    john x



    well done peter keep it up
    Its my 100 days tomorow hope i get the same result
    john cad



    This is John,my level of pp was below 1 when I had stem cell transplant.This is what we all try to achieve,however we cannot always achieve this level
    and people have gone on to stem cell transplants with higher levels
    and achieved good results.
    all the best and good luck
    John (King of Gwynydd)



    Good look on monday the people on hear ar great
    i bumpted in to some of them on saterday at the leeds
    info day should have gone to spec savers he he




    hi dan
    just read you blog i can come dawn and stay near and help

    you out say three days a month i am haer for you and dad




    Hi every one its John, The hundred days are coming up, Starting to get a bit frightened, But when i read all your posts I have to be strong for all you guys..You are remarcable people, and this is a problem you didnt choose.But together we seem to be achieving something. I feel ive known some of you for years, and i go to bed every night thinking of you which helps me drop of. I feel we are an army, and we are all fighting the same enemy. This is not me typing this out as it would take me weeks. I wish i could give more advise, but feel that some of you are way ahead of me.But tonight because ime not on my own i just feel the oppertunity to get in toutch. I went to a funeral of my freind on friday who died of lung cancer
    he was diagnosed in July, I was diagnosed in April. We spent some time together, and i found that we both knew what to say on approaching the subject of our complaints. I have been a bit depressed, but today i realised that i am still hear. A song come on the radio and it was by Arlissa.. Called sticks and stones For some reason this seems to give me strength, and it makes me feel good and happy. This seemed to be the tonic i needed rather than counciling! You must all listen to this and tell me what you think?? I may be a bit mad, But im the happiest ive ever been in my life..As every day is worth double of what it used to be, Wish my friend could call round a bit nore often, and then you would hear from me a lot more. Is that a good thing ??? Or a bad thing. As you probably know i came out of Liverpool hospital on the 28th December following my stem cell transplant, Back to work in 2 weeks, All the normal things that most people seem to get, but had to push this anger into energy, So i had my first game of babminton 5 weeks ago last monday. To walk onto the court and to realise im still alive and appreciate that somebody would have the time and patience to give me a game, I must admit i had a tear.But as soon as the shuttle cock came over the net my attitude completley changed from appreciating the fact that im hear. I wanted to be a winner. I find that is the same with this disease, To appreciate that weve got a chance the survival attitude takes over to try and achieve more, and beat the apponant or to stay the other side of the net as long as you can.
    Trying to get to some of the info days to meet some of you people doesent matter to me where they are, I have got a mentor, and he lives down south
    Im hoping to go and see him he has helped me a lot. Are any of you going to the info day in Leeds in March ????? I went to manchester in September, wanted to say things but hadnt got the bottle! Just need a little push. O.K Im of know love you all and all your posts are in my mind beleive me. Please feel free to phone me on 01244/ 403610
    John Cadwallader King of Gwynned xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



    Hi robin
    sorry to hear your bad news
    I WAS diagnosed last easter after back and to from doctors for 4 months we just go on and on my pp was 70 its a long road and we will get there there is a sunny day around the corner stay strong
    john xxxx love you all



    jean and frank
    pp 2 it could stay like that for months see if you can get to zero
    befor SCT NO PANICK

    love you all john cadwallader king of gwynedd xxxxxx

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