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  • #87210


    vicki and colin
    I was so happy to se reply this morning.
    IT takes me say two hours to post message no confidence,
    Put me in a meeting with the council or the environment agentcy thay wont get aword in,
    My myeloma is my problem not my secreterys,
    you r right the body is the key
    but the mind is the other key which gives you mental attitude it takes all our lives to develop this and the things that have happened will determin its strength and we carn change this now,
    I love life and one day will die with a sword in my hand not in the armchair
    use it or lose it love to you all john cadwallader xxxxxxx
    king gwyned

    use it or lose it



    Hi tom
    thanks for your post
    Yes back to work self employed got to pay the bills, but allso there is an anger that needs to be turned in to a positive.

    Living on my own has its advantages and somtimes disadvantages,

    you ar the people i listen to but if i am not well i will stay in bed.
    tom what do you think randomisation
    1 no maintenance
    2 revlimid
    3 revlimid with zolinza ?
    onwards and upwards youv got me at it naw
    john cadwallader king of gwyned love you all xxxx



    Hi Susan
    There is lots i want to say but i am not to good on computers..
    I was diagnosed in March last year and went on a trial. I was at stage 111.
    i was on the RCD trial of wich i had 5 months followed by SCT in December. up and about now. i have been looking at this site since June and like you was worried from the start. the comments i read in the build up to SCT really pulled me through over the last 6 months. after being through it i have finnaly got the corrage to talk on here i really owe a lot to all the peaple in the MM Club. I would love to thank everybody for there comments and advice and will try to comunicate with all. these people will pull you through. BELIEVE ME..

    Love to all

    John Cadwallader King of gwyned xxxxxxxxx



    hi jean thanks for your reply
    I was diagnosed in march at stage 111 mm
    had 5 months of revlimid ex
    10th of december SCT
    OUT 30th of december back to work doing bits this week
    I live in Chester, would be good to talk to your partner as i found most of the SCT was in the mind but we are all diffrent. i find that turning a negative into a possitive is a great challange. just looked at a few messages and there are a few people that have had the same treatment as me over the last 12 months. on avreage the 4 of us look quite possitve.
    One thing i did was refrain septryn auntibiotics and i went on the nebulizer instead as i found that the septryn killed the backteria in my gut at the moment my gut is the best its been for 12 months

    home no 01244403610

    feel free to call

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