
  • keen replied to the topic Treatment Free 🙂 in the forum Treatment 13 years ago

    Hi Tom, like everyone else I am absolutely delighted by your news. Yes we all want to hear things like that. Wish I had heard of the treatment you had, especially as I have just started a clinical trial and cannot believe the number of tablets I am taking and this will go on for months. The good news is it seems to be working as my PP has gone…[Read more]

  • Bridget, You were kind enough to send a reply and I can't find it on the site. In fact I am having a lot of trouble finding anything! Bad day? Senior Moment or is the site playing up. Sylvia

  • keen replied to the topic Travel insurance in the forum General 13 years ago

    Try manor Insurance. They insured me last year and reasonable. Sylvia

  • keen replied to the topic Same old same old (ish)… in the forum Treatment 13 years ago

    Hi Dai, it is such a long time since I visited the site I am sure you will not remember me but I came on today in search of some support from all our lovely friends out there and had to respond to your post as I have just started a trial called Eloquent which only opened last week. I got the arm that contains the new drug and have had one infusion…[Read more]

  • keen replied to the topic Halfway point in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Keith, I am so pleased to hear from you and know that all is progressing well, apart from the tiredness. I think you are very brave to have SCT and it seems lots of people have it more than once. I am waiting for an appointment at Barts and dreading them suggesting SCT or a trial! I am such a coward but I guess if my MM is aggressive I might…[Read more]

  • Thanks Tom,yes, mentally feeling a bit better today, helped no doubt by a surprise visit from our little grandson, Henry. Always sure to raise the spirits. Then sadly I came online to read the sad news from Gill that Gaye had died. I don't know how long ago that was but I am very sorry,she was such an inspiration to us all. Hope you had a good…[Read more]

  • Dear Gill, thank you for letting me know the sad news that Gaye had died. When was that? I am so sad, she was such an inspiration to us all. Thank you again. Sylvia

  • Hi Gaye, have just come back to the site, you may have seen my posts. I don't see anything recent from you so am hoping you are well. It would be good to hear from you. Sylvia

  • keen replied to the topic Halfway point in the forum Newcomers 13 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Keith,I have just come back to the site and was looking for something from you to know how you were getting on. You were one of the first I read about on Velcade.Don't know if you have seen my recent post but I have just finished 6 cycles and have plateaued at 11 so no point in having any more Velcade. Would like to know how you are getting on,…[Read more]

  • Hi Bridget,thank you for your support too, I am so glad I came online because those 3 replies have made me feel so much better, hopefully putting things more in perspective. As you say they are always looking at new things and furthermore I do believe a cure is just around the corner.I'm pretty sure that when I go to Barts they are going to…[Read more]

  • Hi Mavis, thank you so much for your encouraging reply. As I just said to Tom I feel better already!.Yes it is possible they might give me a break.It's 3 weeks since my last injection but I can't say I feel fighting fit! Of course most of that is due to my back. ( I had screws put into my collapsed vertebrae a year ago.)I am due to see the surgeon…[Read more]

  • Hi Tom, thank you for your speedy reply. I know of old you are always one of the first in there with support, and hugs and it is much appreciated by us all I am sure.I feel better after receiving your post, and Mavis's and probably after a few more days I shall be back to my 'glass half full' state.Love and hugs to you and I'll let you all know…[Read more]

  • Hello Dai, again several weeks have passed since I came on site but have been prompted today for several reasons mainly cos I saw my consultant on Thurs and was quite depressed. I have completed 6 cycles on Velcade and have plateaued at around 11 ( started at 37) so has been decided no point in continuing. Have been referred back to Barts to see…[Read more]

  • Hi, sorry this is a late reply I have not visited the site for months for a variety of reasons. I am currently on my second course of treatment, Velcade after relapsing after only 6 months which was very disappointing as I had responded so well to the first treatment, only needing 4 cycles to get rid of PP completely. So returning so quickly was…[Read more]

  • keen replied to the topic surgery resulting from MM in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago

    Hi Tom, I think 15th April seems a bit optimistic but then we are aren't we? feel more like May so I will go for 1st May.Of things positive I have a 2 day break in Wokingham to come ( Chrissie pres to my fantastic hubby) so some sunshine would be nice then. Also 4 night mini-cruise to Cork in Ireland end of April so let's hope Gaye is right about…[Read more]

  • keen replied to the topic surgery resulting from MM in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago

    Hi Eva, I am in London and attend the Medical Day Centre at Whipps Cross Hospital in Leytonstone, East London. I have to say the care I get there is terrific. The injection goes into my tummy in seconds, painless, but I have to have a one hour saline drip to hydrate me beforehand and that goes in via a cannula.It can hurt but I always get a huge…[Read more]

  • keen replied to the topic Denial – My thought for the day. in the forum General 14 years ago

    So your post is finally here! I got onto my Pc today and clicked the link so that was what was needed. now I know what I am doing! I printed off the email so I could reply but I expect you have seen my earlier posting now.Did you get a good response when you relapsed the second time?I know you are having pain treatment but are you in remission…[Read more]

  • keen replied to the topic surgery resulting from MM in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago

    Hi Gaye, I have still not been able to find the post you made. I don't know if it will be on your thread or mine. I may get more joy when I get to the PC upstairs rather than my laptop as that is where I first read the email notifying me as to your posting. We shall see. Meanwhile I am happy to bring you, and all our friends out there, upto speed…[Read more]

  • keen replied to the topic surgery resulting from MM in the forum Newcomers 14 years ago

    Gaye I know you have posted something for me but I can't find it. How stupid am I? I thought the thread would just continue. I've checked my name and yours. Any ideas? Sylvia

  • Hi Gaye, like the others I was moved by your 'thought'and have been encouraged by your posts. We all hold you in very high esteem. When I was first diagnosed last January I did not name my disease to anyone except my immediate family and one couple, our dearest friends. I did not want to face the perception the word cancer engenders in people.I…[Read more]

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