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  • #126803



    thank you Cygnet for your reply, I was at the QE hospital yesterday,(Wednesday 3feb)  and was told my bloods are the same again, she asked if I had had my skeletal survey done, to which I replied , what skeletal survey??

    It appears I had an apointment for one to be done on Tuesday 2 February ? I never received that apointment  letter !! So that is being arranged , and hopefully this will say once and for all a definite diagnosis.

    i have spoken to the helpline nurse, she was lovely , and gave me a few pointers to ask the Dr, one of which was to ask for a skeletal survey, ha ha

    i have another follow up apointment in 3 weeks, and they took more bloods yesterday, so I’ll see how that goes.

    Regards Gill




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