misterboy replied to the topic Vision Problems in the forum Side-effects 9 years, 4 months ago
Hi Scott. It is very interesting that you have posted the issue you are having with your eyes. I too have experienced something very similar. My eyes struggle to focus and keep up with whatever is going on inside my brain to the point my eyes feel strained.
As a patient of a similar age, I am very interested in your story – how long ago was yo…[Read more]
misterboy replied to the topic Not sure what is happening after my Plasmacytoma in the forum Related conditions 9 years, 4 months ago
Hi Liz. Its tremendous to hear you have made such good progress, it sounds like you went through a lot in 9/10 months but have come through it well. I am particularly impressed that you are playing tennis again – if there is one thing I am missing it is my sports; I have been doing a lot of walking and some on my exercise bike but that is not th…[Read more]
misterboy replied to the topic Not sure what is happening after my Plasmacytoma in the forum Related conditions 9 years, 5 months ago
It does seem slightly different, i had surgery to remove the plasmacytoma as it was wrapping itself around my spinal cord, following that I had the bone marrow biopsy which I gather was ok but my light chains have been steadily climbing since then despite the radiotherapy too. Yes I am under a haematology specialist at leicester.
All the very best.
misterboy replied to the topic Good News stories in the forum General 9 years, 5 months ago
Hi Annlyn and thank you so much for your reply and support to my idea. You are absolutely right, there are some good news stories within the forum, the problem is you have to wade through to find them!! I hope the idea gets further support. Great to hear you have been in remission for one year now and that your experience at Newcastle Fr…[Read more]
misterboy started the topic Good News stories in the forum General 9 years, 5 months ago
As a relatively new patient, I have found the site and the forums immensely helpful, however as a generally positive person I wondered if it would be possible to suggest that one of the forum subjects be “good news stories” where people can give their experience of remission, treatment changes, service provision from their local NHS providers,…[Read more]
misterboy replied to the topic Not sure what is happening after my Plasmacytoma in the forum Related conditions 9 years, 5 months ago
Thank you for your response Avril. I will indeed be speaking to my consultant about it but was really looking to gain an idea of other people’s experience of when/what point treatment started in terms of kappa/lambda ratio plus other symptoms (if any). For example is there a ratio that would be treated even if there are no other symptoms? …[Read more]
misterboy started the topic Not sure what is happening after my Plasmacytoma in the forum Related conditions 9 years, 5 months ago
Hello everyone,
A relative newbie here who is somewhat confused and hoping someone out there might be able to help from their experience and/or knowledge.
I was diagnosed with a plasmacytoma in my thoracic spine in February this year which needed emergency surgery to remove it. Following some dexemathozone, I then had 5 weeks of radiotherapy.…[Read more]
misterboy became a registered member 9 years, 5 months ago