
  • Thanks for all of your kind words guys! It is a relief to know that it is working.

    Pete, good luck for your appointment, 4 years is great! I can only hope that Sam will get 4 years. Sorry to read that you have relapsed though but good on you for remaining positive, I think that it is important to try and be positive.

    Much love all,

    Nicki x

  • Hi all,

    How is everyone doing?

    Sam had his first appointment with the consultant yesterday after starting the Velcade, he is at the end of cycle 2 of Velcade but we went to get the results of his blood test at the end of cycle 1 and his kappa light chain ratio has gone down from 89 to 14 after just one cycle of Velcade!

    He was just to…[Read more]

  • nickinoo replied to the topic Sam has relapsed. in the forum General 12 years ago

    Hehe Tom made me laugh too.

    Hope you had a good evening at your "do".

    Nicki xx

  • nickinoo replied to the topic Tenterhooks in the forum General 12 years ago

    Fingers crossed you manage to avoid the lurgy Dai.

    Was nice to see you both the other day.

    Nicki xx

  • nickinoo replied to the topic Sam has relapsed. in the forum General 12 years ago

    Thanks Vicki & Colin and Tom, Vicki & Colin fabulous news about the remission!

    Sam is currently cleaning the oven, he is bouncing off the walls on the Dex but isn't feeling too bad on the Velcade on the whole. On the plus side I have less housework to do as he is doing it at silly times in the morning like 7am when he can't sleep! He cleaned my…[Read more]

  • nickinoo replied to the topic Three little words…… in the forum General 12 years ago

    Brilliant news! 😀 >:-) 😉

  • nickinoo replied to the topic Sam has relapsed. in the forum General 12 years ago

    Thanks Eve and Liz & Kev for your kind replies.

    Eve I am glad that Slim has had a good response to Velcade, I hope that Sam does too.

    Liz & Kev, great news about Kev's count!

    I worry as I read somewhere that the first period of remission after the SCT is usually the longest, I hope that this proves not to be the case.

    I hope that…[Read more]

  • nickinoo replied to the topic Michael in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years ago

    So sorry, thinking of you and your girls xxx

  • nickinoo replied to the topic So Alone 2 in the forum End of Life and Grief 12 years ago

    Much love, my thoughts are with you at this very difficult time. xx

  • nickinoo replied to the topic Sam has relapsed. in the forum General 12 years ago

    Hi guys,

    Thanks so much for your kind words. So sorry Ozzy, Wendy and Trish to hear about the relapses, it's gutting isn't it, at the time no one told us how long Sam might have before he relapsed but I just thought he might have had longer, given his age (he is 38 now).

    Trish I am glad that your mental health is ok now and that you had the…[Read more]

  • nickinoo started the topic Sam has relapsed.. in the forum General 12 years ago

    Hi all,

    Sorry that I have not been on here for a long time, once Sam had recovered from his SCT we tried to forget about Myeloma for a little while and enjoy life. That wasn't to last as I had a nervous breakdown last July and am still very upside down with my mental health.

    Sam's check up's had been reduced to every 10 weeks but just before…[Read more]

  • nickinoo replied to the topic Hereditary link???? in the forum General 12 years, 9 months ago

    Hi there,

    My husband Sam has Myeloma and was diagnosed 2 years ago aged 35.

    Hi dad sadly passed away from Myeloma, either 10 or 11 years ago, I can't remember exactly how long ago as we weren't together at the time.

    He was 58 when he died, I haven't asked a lot of questions about his dad to his mum and Sam was in the RAF and away a lot…[Read more]

  • Hi Antoinette,

    My name is Nicki, I am 29 and my husband Sam is now 37.

    Sam was diagnosed with Myeloma 2 years ago on the 17th of May 2010 at the grand old age of 35. We had been married for 10 weeks.

    Although I am not the one suffering from this terrible disease, I can completely sympathise with how you must be feeling right now, cancer…[Read more]

  • Thanks Lorna I had no idea, it really should mention it in the article.

    Thankfully Sam isn't on velcade but it is important for everyone else to know just in case so thanks.

    Nicki xx

  • Hey guys!

    Thanks for all of your lovely replies, so nice to read about the success stories (so to speak). Sam still gets very anxious in the lead up to his check ups, but I have to remind him to thunk about it logically, if there was a problem they surely would have had him back before his next scheduled appointment.

    With regards to the…[Read more]

  • Hi guys!

    Long time no speak, sorry I haven't posted on here in such a long time, you guys were all so supportive when Sam was sick, I had planned to visit the site regularly in a hope that I could offer some reassurance to others at the time of need, but I haven't and I apologise for that, wrongly, Sam and mine's attitiude towards his illness…[Read more]

  • nickinoo replied to the topic another 3 months in the forum General 13 years, 5 months ago

    Great news David!

    Nicki x

  • nickinoo replied to the topic Peter in the forum General 13 years, 6 months ago

    So so sorry to read the sad news about Peter, my thoughts are with you and your family Min xxx

  • nickinoo replied to the topic News in the forum General 13 years, 6 months ago

    Thinking of you Bridget xx

  • nickinoo replied to the topic Gordon in the forum General 13 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Sarah,

    Sorry for the late message I do not visit the site very often at the moment.

    So so sorry to read the news about Gordon.

    My thoughts are with you and your family.

    Nicki xxx

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