Hi Eve so pleased to hear that Slim is better in himself and you have been able to get out and about:-) ahh Mum had a few months of remission with revlimid but she could only take 2 cycles before her liver was affected so it was stopped and her paraproteins came down but that was 4 months ago and now her pp's are 38 and rising, so we go back in a month to see what can be done either cdt or velcade, the Dr thought that velcade might be too harsh and wants to send her info re side effects so that she can decide before her next clinic appt, dear Mum is naturally not at all sure, so i hope that the clinical team can decide on a treatment regime soon, she is clearly not as well as she had been over the summer but we are thankful for having some respite from the chemo over the lovely summer but its not to be now and off we go again! thank you for asking after her,:-) sending love to you and Slim.
Helen sorry that you have had a really rough time, i would visit you if you lived nearby for sure ha! re friends, i always feel that there are unexpected friends who pull out the stops and those that you let you down at these times, its hard being at home when you are not well enough to do things that keep you busy. Good luck also with going back to work i really hope that it goes well for you when you are well enough.Take care Helen and look forward to a lovely Cornish holiday next year? 😀 love San x