Hello Georgie, my mum has mm diagnosed 12 weeks ago and suffers greatly with fatigue, it is so hard because it takes every ounce of energy just to get washed and dressed, she said today to the rowcroft nurse that she so wants to do more, she is tearful at times and needs to talk it through, the nurse explained that the myeloma itself and the chemo will make you feel fatigued and low in mood there is a good booklet on fatigue and how to manage it by macmillan. She too had radiotherapy on her hip and has oxynorm for her pain which has been super in small regular doses, the chemo takes its toll on your body and mind, the pain is probably getting him down considerably, has he seen a palliative care nurse re his hip pain as the radiotherapy will take a little while before it helps the pain, to be without pain is a great thing or at least if it is more bearable for him he will be a little more mobile then hopefully. As Jill says the local rowcroft hospice is helpful and may offer complementary therapies which may help both of you. Please send you dear Dad my best wishes and i hope that things improve for him soon, San.